On Point of View today, guest host Dr. Merrill (Buddy) Matthews welcomes Lisa Hershman. They’ll discuss a leaner, meaner fighting machine: seeking efficiency at the Pentagon. Then he welcomes Dan Garretson. They will talk about how the private sector is leading the way in space exploration.
It’s going to be an exciting show! Share us with your friends!
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Prior to her Pentagon role, Hershman used her extensive Fortune 100 private sector experience in founding and serving as the CEO of The DeNovo Group, a specialized global consulting, training, and research firm focused on leadership, innovation, and business turnarounds. Hershman’s consultancy built upon her success as the co-author of the Random House published business book Faster Cheaper Better; The 9 Levers for Transforming How Work Gets Done, which received critical acclaim and has been translated and sold in 13countries.
Hershman earned her degree from Clarkson University, which has been ranked among the top engineering and supply chain institutions in the country by U.S. News and World Report, studying engineering and industrial distribution. She has also studied innovation with MIT and IMD in Switzerland and has received an Executive Certificate in Finance from Cornell University.