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Monday, May 7, 2018

Point of View Radio welcomes Kyle Mann, head writer for The Babylon Bee and co-author of the book, “How to Be a Perfect Christian“. Kerby’s second guest is Kristina Rasmussen, VP of Federal Affairs at the Foundation for Government Accountability. She has excellent information on adding Food Stamp reform to the Farm Bill. Kerby’s final guest is Stephen Moore from the Heritage Foundation to discuss America’s rising independence from OPEC.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

babylon bee Show Page
Kyle Mann
Author, Head Writer - The Babylon Bee
THE BABYLON BEE is today’s most popular source of Christian satire, with more than 500,000 social media followers since its launch in March 2016. This trusted fountain of humor consistently shines a spotlight on modern Christian cultural quirks. As it pokes fun at all-too-familiar trends and traditions, it calls each of us to a truer understanding of real biblical faith. With legions of Facebook fans and loyal website visitors, The Babylon Bee spreads laughter across denominational lines to all generations.
How to Be a Perfect Christian
With a biting, satirical style reminiscent of The Onion, How to Be a Perfect Christian takes a humorous look at the quirks of cultural Christianity while subtly challenging the reader to search for more than a cultural faith.

Written in the trademark style of The Babylon Bee, this book humorously satirizes cultural Christianity while peppering in subtle challenges to the reader. Through humor and sarcasm (and a handy meter to rank your "holiness" as you progress through the book), readers will be called to find a more biblical understanding of the Christian faith, all while poking fun at the quirks of the modern, American Christian community.
Kristina Rasmussen Show Page
Kristina Rasmussen
Vice President of Federal Affairs - Foundation for Government Accountability
Kristina Rasmussen is vice president of federal affairs at the Foundation for Government Accountability.
Before joining the FGA, she served as chief of staff to Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner. Prior to that, Rasmussen was the president and chief operating officer of the Illinois Policy Institute. In 2015, Kristina accepted the Overton Award from the State Policy Network, which recognized her excellence in leadership at the Illinois Policy Institute.
Kristina is frequently asked to comment on policy matters and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, the Economist and the Associated Press. Her television appearances include Fox News, CNN, Fox Business, and C-SPAN, and she has been a guest on numerous radio shows.
Her opinion pieces have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, National Review Online, Investor’s Business Daily, The Hill, U.S. News & World Report, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Crain’s Chicago Business, among others.
Kristina completed her master’s degree in political management at George Washington University. She graduated summa cum laude from Randolph-Macon Woman’s College with a bachelor’s degree in political science.
Kristina and her husband are proud to be raising their three beautiful daughters in the Land of Lincoln. When she’s not improving public policy, she enjoys making heirloom quilts.
FGA logo
Voters Support Food Stamp Reforms in the Farm Bill
By: FGA - - 2018 Graph for Promoting Work. Graph for Welfare Integrity. Graph for demographics of voters. To see this report in full, click read more. Source: Voters Support Food Stamp Reforms ...
Stephen Moore Show Page
Stephen Moore
Economic Consultant, Distinguished Visiting Fellow - Project for Economic Growth - The Heritage Foundation
Stephen Moore, who formerly wrote on the economy and public policy for The Wall Street Journal, is the Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Project for Economic Growth, at The Heritage Foundation. Moore, who also was a member of The Journal’s editorial board, returned to Heritage in January 2014 -- about 25 years after his tenure as the leading conservative think tank’s Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Budgetary Affairs from 1984 to 1987.

As Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Heritage, Moore focuses on advancing public policies that increase the rate of economic growth to help the United States retain its position as the global economic superpower. He also works on budget, fiscal and monetary policy and showcases states that get fiscal houses in order.

Moore’s early career was shaped by three people who had a profound influence on him: Julian Simon, the late Cato Institute scholar; Edwin J. Feulner, a co-founder of Heritage; and Art Laffer, the economist best known for the Laffer curve.

“What makes them so great is they were willing to take on the conventional wisdom. They were subject to a lot of criticism for doing that,” Moore told The Foundry. “Those are the real change-makers.”

Moore calls his creation of the Club for Growth the defining moment of his career. The organization, which he left in 2004, helps elect conservative members of Congress (including Heritage President Jim DeMint when he first ran for Senate).

Moore next founded the Free Enterprise Fund before joining The Wall Street Journal. As senior economics writer for the newspaper’s editorial board, he covered Washington policy debates and state issues.

“Because I’ve been a consumer of think tank material and policy research, I think I have a pretty good sense of what reporters want and how to get it to them in the way they want it,” Moore said. “Being timely — and not just offering opinion but giving them the facts and data is really critical.”

Moore, who grew up in New Trier Township, Ill., received a bachelor of arts degree from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He holds a master’s of arts in economics from George Mason University.
Construction Worker
Welfare Reform
By: Kristina Rasmussen - - April 23, 2018 Despite near-historical low unemployment rates and employers desperate to fill open jobs across the country, welfare enrollment is soaring. And overwhelmingly, the newest enrollees aren’t those ...
Moore Chart - oil import & export
Goodbye OPEC
By: Stephen Moore - - April 29, 2018 ANALYSIS/OPINION: I have argued many times on these pages, and elsewhere, that the shale oil and gas revolution is the story of the decade. Since 2007 ...
Ted Cruz on Capitol Hill
Beating the Filibuster
By: Jim Geraghty - - May 6, 2018 The Texas senator has some ideas about how the GOP can pass more bills with fewer than 60 votes. Shortly after his speech to the NRA’s ...




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