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left_flag Monday, November 1
Monday, November 1, 2021

Our host, Kerby Anderson, will bring us an update from the weekend and let us know what to expect for the week. Then he is joined by Todd Nettleton. Todd and Kerby will discuss the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. In the second he speaks with Corey Miller. Dr. Miller is the President/CEO of Ratio Christi. They’ll discuss Peter Boghossian and the Fight Against Neo-Marxism.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Todd Nettleton Show Page
Todd Nettleton
Chief of Media Relations | Message Integration - The Voice of the Martyrs—USA
Todd Nettleton is the Chief of Media Relations and Message Integration for The Voice of the Martyrs—USA and host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio. Todd serves as a voice for persecuted Christians, inspiring US Christians with the faithfulness of Christ’s followers in 70+ nations where they face persecution for wearing His name.

During more than 20 years serving at VOM, Todd has travelled the world and conducted face-to-face interviews with hundreds of Christians who’ve endured persecution in more than 30 nations. He has been interviewed more than 3,000 times by media outlets including CNN, The Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, the BBC, Moody Broadcast Network, Christian Broadcasting Network, Newsweek, The Voice of America, Mission Network News and Trinity Broadcasting Network.

In 2014 VOM launched a weekly radio program and podcast, which Todd hosts and produces. Guests have included Christians persecuted for their faith and family members of Christians martyred for following Christ. In 2016, the show was named Radio Program of the Year by National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). It airs weekly on more than 1000 radio stations, and the podcast version has reached #1 on iTunes’ “Religion and Spirituality” chart. You can find a broadcast station carrying VOM Radio and listen to all episodes online at

Todd was part of the writing team for four VOM books, including Extreme Devotion and FOXE: Voices of the Martyrs. He has spoken at conferences and in churches all over the United States about the faith of persecuted Christians.

A former sports writer, Todd is a graduate of Bartlesville Wesleyan College (now Oklahoma Wesleyan University). He has done postgraduate study at the University of Oklahoma.

The son of missionary parents, Todd did part of his growing up in Papua New Guinea and the rest in Southern California.

Todd and his wife, Charlotte, have two grown sons and two daughters-in-law. In his spare time, Todd enjoys reading, music, travel and sports, including serving as commissioner of a fantasy football league.
VOM Radio Logo
VOM Radio
Hear the voice of your persecuted Christian family.
International day of prayer for persecuted Chirstians
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Join a Global Prayer Movement
Sabina: Movie Trailer
Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years - Trailer
This engaging feature-length film, which covers the years during which VOM founders Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand came to know Christ and began their ministry work, premieres in select theaters nationwide on Nov. 8. Tickets are on sale now!

To get ticks visit:
Corey Miller Show Page
Corey Miller, PhD
CEO and President - Ratio Christi
Corey Miller, PhD, is the President/CEO of Ratio Christi (2015-Present). While he grew up in Utah as a seventh generation Mormon, he came to Christ in 1988.

He has served on pastoral staff at four churches and has taught nearly 100 college courses in philosophy, theology, rhetoric, and comparative religions at various places. From 2009-15 he served on staff with Cru’s Faculty Commons ministry at Purdue. He taught philosophy and comparative religions at Indiana University for 12 years. While variously published in journals (International Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophia Christi, Christian Research Journal, etc.), he is also author or co-author of Leaving Mormonism: Why Four Scholars Changed their Minds (2017), Is Faith in God Reasonable? Debates in Philosophy, Science, and Rhetoric (2014), In Search of the Good Life: Through the Eyes of Aristotle, Maimonides, and Aquinas (2019), and Engaging with Mormons: Understanding their World, Sharing Good News (2020).

Dr. Miller holds masters degrees in philosophy, biblical studies, and in philosophy of religion and ethics. His PhD is in philosophical theology from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He is passionate about defending and proclaiming the truth of the Gospel in winsome and bold ways.

He lives with his wife Melinda and three children in Indiana.
Professor Peter Boghossian
Peter Boghossian and the Fight Against Neo-Marxism
By: Corey Miller - - September 14, 2021 Some things are worth fighting for. Some things are worth fighting against. Some fighting alliances are stranger than others. Peter Boghossian, the once extremely cantankerous atheist ...
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Climate Summit to Nowhere
By: The Editorial Board - - October 29, 2021 World leaders converge on Glasgow for a climate summit this weekend, and don’t laugh. This may be the worst-timed summit in history, but the delegates ...
voting booth - small child peeking
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The only way to guarantee secret ballot is to restore the local in-person option everywhere, including states that have long abolished it, such as Oregon.




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