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Monday, November 5, 2018

On Point of View today, host Kerby Anderson welcomes Paul Cole to talk about the Christian Men’s Network. His next guest is Willie Billups, candidate for Congressional District 33. Then we have F. LaGard Smith, who has a new book, “Darwin’s Secret Sex Problem.” Finally, Kerby will welcome John Cox, gubernatorial candidate in California.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Paul Cole
President - Christian Men’s Network Worldwide
Paul Louis Cole is President of the Christian Men’s Network Worldwide, a global movement of pastors and leaders dedicated to training men. Paul is one of the world’s leading experts on men’s issues, character maturity and personal life expansion. His exploits have taken him from the inside of firefights in Middle Eastern wars to perilous revolutions in the deep jungles of central Nicaragua. His professional accolades range from Emmy awards to Addy awards to numerous charity and civic awards.
Lions Roar 2018
Lions Roar 2018
Join me and hundreds of global influencers, thought leaders, creators, and provocateurs. Against the tide of unholy arrogance, abuse, fatherlessness, and the persecution of righteousness, strong men are converging from the US, Brazil, Bulgaria, Ulaanbataar and beyond. The warriors are gathering. This is the brotherhood you’ve always wanted. Men serious about God, family, friends, their church, and their neighbors. Men committed to each other’s God-given dreams. Sit at the table with leaders who ignite your spirit and enlarge your heart. Leave with a fresh anointing, empowered with courage for your family, your career, your church, your community. You were born to make a difference. Be a man who gets it done. Join us. Register today. I’ll see you there!
Willie Billups Show Page
Willie Billups
Candidate for Congress - Congressional District #33
Willie’s story is one that illustrates America’s greatness. In America, you can be born into a world of great adversity and diversity, but with hard work and passion, you can achieve success.

As a young child, Willie’s father was incarcerated. His mother, a high school dropout, worked 3 jobs, raising four children, couldn’t afford healthcare and died of Colon Cancer when Willie was six. His grandmother did an amazing job raising him and his siblings. At seventeen he joined the Marines, and became an aviation mechanic. It was during his twelve years in the Marines that he raised his oldest child by himself, fought and beat the same cancer that killed his mother.

Willie did something unique, he switched branches and joined the Army, where he became a helicopter, then airplane pilot. It was when he was stationed in Korea that he met his wife, Hoshumi. While in the Army, he earned a degree in Aeronautics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautic University, majoring in Aviation Safety and minoring in Airline Management. After 20 years of service, Willie retired from the military. He still had his passion for flying and decided to fly for a commercial freight company. That position took him away from his growing family too often, so he did what many of us dream of doing, he started his own trucking business!

Not one to sit at a desk, Willie drives one of his regional routes himself. He believes, this allows him to see the point of view the employee’s needs from a drivers’ point of view. This type of leadership will be an asset for CD33. This district is made up of hard workers that deserve a legislator that can relate and understands the needs of the people.

Willie and his wife, Hoshimi, with their four children know Texas is a great state and CD33 deserves a servant minded leader. As he has done with every challenge he’s faced, he will meet it with integrity and tenacity. Specifically, to CD33, Willie will not obstruct to economic growth this district desperately needs. He will work with the administration to continue policies that will provide a better tomorrow!
F. LaGard Smith Show Page
F. LaGard Smith
After graduating from Willamette University School of Law in 1968 and serving for three years as District Attorney for Malheur County, Oregon, F. LaGard Smith has spent a career as a professor of law, principally at Pepperdine University School of Law.

Smith is the author of over 30 books on a wide variety of legal, social and religious topics. He is most widely known as the compiler and narrator of the best-selling "The Daily Bible.” For five years, Smith was Scholar in Residence for Christian Studies at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. After serving as Visiting Professor of Law at Faulkner University's Jones School of Law in Montgomery, Alabama, Smith has now retired to write full time.

Smith and his wife, Ruth, reside in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, but also spend time at their cottage in the rural Cotswolds, northwest of London, England.
Darwin’s Secret Sex Problem: Exposing Evolution’s Fatal Flaw
Darwins Secret Sex Problem What Darwin Ignored . . . For all his revolutionary insight into the fascinating processes of evolution so useful to current scientific research, health care, and technology, Darwin never seriously confronted the crucial, insurmountable gap in his grand theory between asexual replication and sexual reproduction. Nor could Darwins famed natural selection have provided simultaneous on-time delivery of the first male/female pair of millions of sexually unique species required for evolutions bedrock premise of common descenta fundamental flaw fatal to the romanticized microbe-to-man Evolution Story. Darwins Secret Sex Problem is a witty, engaging, scientifically sound exploration of perhaps the greatest secret of sexualitythe utter inability of Darwinian evolution to explain its origin (John E. Silvius, PhD, Senior Professor Emeritus of Biology, Cedarville University). I highly recommend this book by F. LaGard Smith, a nonspecialist whose careful research demonstrates that he understands the crucial issues surrounding evolutions fatal sex problem, and who has a remarkable ability to communicate complex concepts to a broad audience.
John Cox Show Page
John Cox
Gubernatorial Candidate - The State of California
John Cox is a businessman, not a politician. He is the son of a Chicago public school teacher. John’s birth father abandoned the family when John was only three months old. Raising two boys as a single mom was challenging. The family struggled financially, moving to a small apartment in Prairie Shores on Chicago’s South Side. Several years after John’s father left, his mom got remarried to a postal worker. They moved to the suburbs and lived a reasonably comfortable lower-middle-class lifestyle. The Cox family shopped at discount stores, drove Volkswagens, and took one vacation a year.

John’s mom worked at Calumet High School, an almost exclusively African-American high school on Chicago’s South Side. He frequently went with her to school, particularly on his days off and in summer, which she often worked to earn extra pay. John Cox’s parents were union members and Democrats. He naturally grew up to be a Democrat as well. He had a political interest from an early age as a young boy, running around the house in a white shirt and tie reciting lines from the President Kennedy’s inaugural speech.
Cox graduated from H.L. Richards High School and then attended Moraine Valley Community College & University of Illinois Chicago Circle campus working his way through school, like many students today, he lived at home and commuted. Following college, Cox worked, attended, and then graduated from IIT Chicago Kent College of Law.
John worked as a CPA and then built his own business from scratch into a $200 million enterprise with almost 100 employees. He turned around a major food service manufacturing company, restored it to profitability and saved jobs. He is active in charitable organizations and serves as a Board member for the San Diego USO. John also founded an organization that repairs the homes of low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities. Since 1991, that organization has mobilized 20,000 volunteers and repaired over 1,000 homes.
John Cox is running for California Governor to take California back from the special interests that own the politicians in Sacramento. Those special interests and the politicians they bankroll have given us the highest income tax as well as the highest poverty rate in the nation. They have wrecked our once-proud school system, driven small business owners to relocate their business and jobs to other states, and utterly failed to build the water storage facilities we need to manage California’s abundant water supplies.
John has four daughters and lives with his wife Sarah in San Diego where they are active in and attend Nativity Catholic Church.
Supreme Court to Hear Cross Case
By: Liberty McArtor - - November 4, 2018 The memorial honors 49 men who died serving in WWI, but the American Humanist Association argues it is unconstitutional because of its shape. If a war ...
Dueling Pitches: Obama vs. Trump
No longer reluctant to speak out, former President Barack Obama delivered a closing argument for Democrats that seeks a firm check on President Donald Trump's policies in Tuesday's midterm elections. Source: Obama, Trump Offer Dueling ...
Voting Machines
Voters Told “Democrat Voting Location Only”
By: Erin Anderson - - November 2, 2018 Voters at a polling place in Dallas County are allegedly being told they’re allowed to vote only for Democrats, according to complaints filed with authorities accusing ...




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