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left_flag Monday, November 6
Monday, November 6, 2023

Yet another great Monday! Our own Kerby Anderson will host. In the first hour, Kerby welcomes back Doug Groothuis. Dr. Groothuis continues his discussion on, World Religions in Seven Sentences (Episode 3 of 7). Then in the second hour, he speaks with Greg Koukl. Greg is the Founder & President of Stand to Reason. He and Kerby will discuss the companion study guide to his best selling Street Smarts. It comes out tomorrow!

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Douglas Groothuis Show Page
Doug Groothuis, PhD
Author | Speaker
Dr. Douglas Groothuis is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, Evangelical Philosophical Society, and Society of Christian Philosophers. Dr. Groothuis received a PhD and a BS from the University of Oregon, and an MA in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He has served as adjunct professor at Seattle Pacific University, visiting instructor in apologetics for Westminster Theological Seminary, and instructor at the University of Oregon. He is the author of Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Christian Faith, Unmasking the New Age, Confronting the New Age, Revealing the New Age Jesus, Christianity That Counts, Deceived by the Light, Jesus in an Age of Controversy, The Soul in Cyberspace, Truth Decay, On Pascal, and On Jesus. He has written for scholarly journals such as Religious Studies, Sophia, Research in Philosophy and Technology, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Philosophia Christi, Trinity Journal, and Asbury Theological Journal as well as for numerous popular magazines such as Christianity Today, Moody Magazine, The Christian Research Journal, Christian Counseling Today, Modern Reformation and Perspectives. He has also written editorials for a variety of newspapers.
World Religions in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic (Introductions in Seven Sentences)
In this brief volume in IVP Academic's Introductions in Seven Sentences, philosopher Douglas Groothuis creatively uses a single sentence representing each of several world religions as a way to open readers to their depth and complexity, including:

Atheism: "God Is Dead."
Judaism: "I Am Who I Am."
Hinduism: "You Are That."
Buddhism: "Life Is Suffering."
Daoism: "The Dao That Can Be Spoken Is Not the Eternal Dao."
Christianity: "Before Abraham Was, I Am."
Islam: "There Is One God, and Mohammad Is His Prophet."
With a sympathetic but not uncritical approach, Groothuis welcomes readers to a vital and global conversation.

The accessible primers in the Introductions in Seven Sentences collection act as brief introductions to an academic field, with simple organization: seven key sentences that give readers a birds-eye view of an entire discipline.
Greg Koukle Show Page
Greg Koukl
Author | Speaker | President & Founder - Stand to Reson
Greg founded Stand to Reason in 1993 and currently serves as President of Stand to Reason. He has spoken on more than 70 college and university campuses both in the U.S. and abroad and has hosted his own call-in radio show for 27 years, advocating for “Christianity worth thinking about.” He has debated atheist Michael Shermer on national radio and Deepak Chopra on national television. An award-winning writer and best-selling author, Greg has written seven books, including The Story of Reality—How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between; Tactics—A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, and Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air. Greg has been featured on Focus on the Family radio and has been interviewed for CBN and the BBC. He's been quoted in Christianity Today, the U.S. News & World Report, and the L.A. Times.

Greg received his Masters in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at Talbot School of Theology, graduating with high honors, and his Masters in Christian Apologetics with honors from Simon Greenleaf University. He is an adjunct professor in Christian apologetics at Biola University.
Street Smarts Study Guide: Using Questions to Answer Christianity's Toughest Challenges
Building on Street Smarts, this study guide by Gregory Koukl will take you deeper, teaching you the strategies for productive conversations with those who challenge your convictions on a variety of issues. The focus is on revealing the fundamental flaws in common, current challenges to Christian beliefs and values. It then provides individual strategies to exploit those shortcomings by offering model questions and sample dialogues to help guide believers in genial, yet persuasive, conversations. Lessons are coordinated with the available Street Smarts Video Study, and both make an ideal resources for groups use.
Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity's Toughest Challenges
Gregory Koukl's best-selling book of practical apologetics, Tactics, wrote the game plan for discussing your Christian convictions with skeptics. In this follow-up, Koukl—a leader of clear-thinking Christianity—reveals the fundamental flaws in common, current challenges to Christian beliefs and values and provides step-by-step strategies to question and reveal those shortcomings.
This book will teach you how to tackle the discussions that believers often avoid because they feel out of their element, vulnerable, or exposed. Lucid, well-organized, and easy-to-follow, Street Smarts provides a specific set of questions—the same questions Koukl uses in his own encounters—that are embedded in sample mini-dialogues that you can use to have fruitful debates with non-believers.
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