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Monday, October 16, 2017

Today on Point of View Johnnie Moore, author, speaker, and humanitarian joins us to discuss his recently published book, The Martyr’s Oath: Living for the Jesus They’re Willing to Die For.

In the second hour, we hear from author and speaker, Ron Hall. He tells us more about his book and the movie Same Kind of Different As Me.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Johnnie Moore
Author | Speaker
Rev. Johnnie Moore, 33, is an author, speaker, media personality, communications executive and humanitarian who has been called one of the “world’s most influential young leaders” and “a modern day Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” Moore is also the founder and president of The KAIROS Company, a consulting and public relations firm based in Southern California that serves as the PR firm of record for many Christian institutions and personalities as well as those organizations interested in them. Previously, he held executive positions in higher education and entertainment, most recently as chief of staff for mega-producer Mark Burnett and previously as Senior Vice President of Liberty University.
The Martyr's Oath: Living for the Jesus They're Willing to Die For
Be Inspired by Amazing Eyewitness Stories of Hope and Courage from the Persecuted Church
We are witnessing an astonishing escalation in Christian persecution like we have rarely seen since the first century. Some estimate that every five minutes, a Christian is martyred for his or her faith. Countries like Egypt have experienced more Christian persecution in the last five years than in the previous six hundred years combined. And who could have missed the atrocities of ISIS in Syria, Boko Haram in Nigeria, and the continued persecution of Christians in North Korea?

Johnnie Moore, like many American Christians, didn’t fully appreciate the extent of what was going on―until he witnessed the graduation of theology students in India. Unlike graduation ceremonies in America―where feel-good speeches made by visiting celebrities are common―this one featured a remarkable oath. It wasn’t an oath to excel or succeed. It was an oath to be willing to die, if necessary, for the cause of Christ. This was no empty promise. This was a choice, choosing the eternal over the temporal.
Ron Hall
Author | Screenwriter
Ron Hall centered his life around a successful career as an international art dealer and a passion for his Rocky Top ranch on the Brazos River. All of this changed dramatically in 1998 as a result of an encounter he had with a man in the homeless shelter where Ron and his wife Deborah had begun volunteering two weeks earlier. This life-changing encounter, since featured on many television and radio shows, inspired Ron to write his first book Same Kind of Different As Me – a story of hope and redemption. The word-of-mouth hit became a New York Times platinum best-seller and stayed on that list for more than three-and-a-half years. In 2007, President Bush appointed Ron to the State Department Cultural Property Committee to advise the President on diplomatic matters regarding international art and antiquities. He served through December 2011. Ron is also a screenwriter and producer of the movie SAME KIND OF DIFFERENT AS ME. He recently published the Same Kind of Different As Me children’s book with Denver Moore. Ron and his wife, Beth, reside in Dallas where they direct the Same Kind of Different As Me Foundation.




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