Welcome to today’s show. Our host, Kerby Anderson will speak with Mike Noriega. Mike has a new book, “Uncollapsable Soul”. Kerby’s other guest is award winning musician, song writer, and author, Michael Card. Michael is bringing us his newest book, “Scribbling in the Sand.”
Before and after his guests, Kerby shares an update of the weekend’s top stories.
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Despite a shattered heart, your soul doesn't have to fall apart. Uncollapsable Soul guides you to redefine faith, recover hope in heartbreak, gain purpose from pain, and ultimately revive your heart, rescue your spirit, and restore your soul back to whole.

A graduate of Western Kentucky University with a bachelor's and master's degree in biblical studies, Card also serves as mentor to many younger artists and musicians, teaching courses on the creative process and calling the Christian recording industry into deeper discipleship. Card lives in Tennessee with his wife and four children.
In this book Card explores the biblical foundations of true Christian creativity. Whether we think of ourselves as creative or not, all of us are created in the image of our Creator God, and thus creativity is a vital expression of our discipleship. With Jesus as his model, Card shows how understanding God's creative imagination leads to a lifestyle of humility, obedience and servanthood. And he invites us to follow God's creative call through worship and community.
Through Jesus, God has spoken to us in a word we can understand. Likewise, Michael Card has articulated the story of Jesus to others through his own scribblings in the sand. This book shows us how we can do the same.