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Monday, October 23, 2017

Our first-hour guest is Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute. He discusses his book, Muslim: What You Need to Know about the World’s Fastest Growing Religion.

In the second hour, author Tom Grace joins us to discuss his book, Undeniable (Nolan Kilkenny).

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Hank Hanegraaff
President - Christian Research Institute
Hank Hanegraaff serves as president of the Christian Research Institute (CRI) and hosts the internationally syndicated Bible Answer Man broadcast and the Hank Unplugged podcast. He is author of more than twenty books and widely regarded as one of the world’s leading Christian thinkers. Hank and his wife, Kathy, live in Charlotte, North Carolina, and are parents to twelve children.
MUSLIM: What You Need to Know About the World’s Fastest Growing Religion
For all the debate over Islam and its growing presence in the world, one thing is often overlooked: Islam is not a religion in the sanitized Western sense. It is, in contrast, an all-encompassing sociopolitical legal matrix that has bred a worldview antagonistic to anything but itself. While there may be millions of peaceful and tolerant Muslims, many of them our neighbors, Islam itself is hardly peaceful and tolerant.

Islam is the only significant religious system in the history of the human race with a sociopolitical structure of laws that mandate violence against the infidel. The current narrative is that to tell the truth in this regard is tantamount to radicalizing Muslims and exacerbating hostilities that may otherwise lie dormant. A common refrain has reverberated throughout the West: “Islam is not our enemy.” As well-intentioned as this mantra may be, it is a potentially dangerous stance once someone understands Islam in full.
Tom Grace
Tom Grace is the internationally bestselling author of Undeniable, The Liberty Intrigue, The Secret Cardinal, Fatal Orbit, Dark Ice, Quantum and Spyder Web. His books have been translated into eight languages and sold in over twenty-five countries. They have collectively appeared for one hundred weeks on USA Today and Associated Press bestseller lists, primarily in the top ten.

In addition to fascinating characters, intricately woven plots and breakneck pacing, Tom Grace novels are infused with technology on the cutting edge or just over the horizon. His fascination with science and technology is drawn from his real world experience designing state-of-the-art research facilities. In the early 1990s, Tom designed the world’s first human applications laboratory for genetic therapy.

Tom was born and raised in Michigan, where he resides with his family. He divides his professional life between writing and a private practice in architecture. Tom is also a member of the International Thriller Writers.
Undeniable (Nolan Kilkenny)
Ex-Navy SEAL Nolan Kilkenny receives a desperate plea for help from doctors frantic to save the life of a young boy with a deadly genetic disorder. The boy, who came to his parents through a blind adoption, has no known blood relatives. Nolan agrees to help, but as he is being prepped for surgery, the boy dies. Further genetic testing then reveals an astonishing truth: Nolan and the boy share the same biological father. Nolan must confront his own father to find out the truth behind the discovery, and uncovers a heinous blackmail plot and desperate victims and villains.

Undeniable, the sixth Nolan Kilkenny thriller from international bestselling author Tom Grace, takes Nolan into the brave new world of reproductive technology, where the building blocks of life are manipulated in a Petri dish, women lease their wombs like rental properties, and money trumps morality. In an age of rapid advances in human genetics, cloning and stem cell research, what seemed impossible just a few years ago is now a reality.
Obama Administration Uranium Scandal
Not only the Clintons are implicated in a uranium deal with the Russians that compromised national-security interests.

Let’s put the Uranium One scandal in perspective: The cool half-million bucks the Putin regime funneled to Bill Clinton was five times the amount it spent on those Facebook ads — the ones the media-Democrat complex ludicrously suggests swung the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump. The Facebook-ad buy, which started in June 2015 — before Donald Trump entered the race — was more left-wing agitprop (ads pushing hysteria on racism, immigration, guns, etc.) than electioneering. The Clintons’ own long-time political strategist Mark Penn estimates that just $6,500 went to actual electioneering. (You read that right: 65 hundred dollars.) By contrast, the staggering $500,000 payday from a Kremlin-tied Russian bank for a single speech was part of a multi-million-dollar influence-peddling scheme to enrich the former president and his wife, then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton. At the time, Russia was plotting — successfully — to secure U.S. government approval for its acquisition of Uranium One, and with it, tens of billions of dollars in U.S. uranium reserves.
Trump’S Niger Isn’t Benghazi
All available evidence suggests that this is a tragedy rather than a scandal.

Earlier this month something happened in Niger that’s happened countless times before in our 16-year war against jihadists: An allied patrol was lured into an ambush, and American soldiers died. Based on the early reports (the Washington Post has perhaps the most thorough summary), it was a particularly vicious firefight, and American troops were unusually vulnerable. They weren’t in armored vehicles, they didn’t have readily available air cover, and they even had to rely on contractors to evacuate the wounded. Tragically, one soldier was killed after getting separated from his unit during the fight, and it took two days to recover his body.




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