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Monday, September 18, 2017

Today on Point of View, Kerby is joined by CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, Chuck Bentley. He discusses personal finances, worrying about money and wealth.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Chuck Bentley
Chuck Bentley
CEO - Crown Financial Ministries
Chuck Bentley shares, “I am walking in the shoes of giants! I honor Larry Burkett and Howard Dayton for their ministry and carry them deeply in my heart. I am honored that this position is being entrusted to me.”

For over a decade, Chuck has traveled the world teaching biblical financial principles to the affluent, middle class, poor and ultra poor. As host of the daily national radio broadcast, My MoneyLife™, Chuck connects with all generations and inspires his audience with a strong scriptural emphasis.

Following in the footsteps of Crown’s co-founders, Howard Dayton and the late Larry Burkett, Chuck has assumed the mantle of a strategic organization, founded in 1976, that now reaches around the world with staff on every continent, a media presence throughout North and South America, and books and materials serving the spiritual and financial needs of all people, regardless of their economic condition. Crown’s outreach impacts individuals, families, churches, and businesses through the joyful, liberating biblical truth of making and managing money so that God’s purposes for one’s life can be fulfilled.
Steps to Quit Worrying About Money
Worrying about money is an epidemic. But worrying changes nothing. In fact, it is sin.

Jesus tells us In Matthew 6 not to worry about anything.

But Americans are REALLY stressed over their bank accounts! In fact, a new study from reveals that 65% are losing sleep because of their financial state. The most common stressor is the cost of healthcare or insurance bills. This is closely followed by concern over retirement savings and student loans. Mortgages and credit cards are not far behind.
Senate Democrats’ Single Payer Plan
How rudderless is the Democratic party? Its membership is so bereft of leadership and policy direction that 16 of its senators have signed on to a health-care bill sponsored by a self-avowed independent democratic socialist from Vermont.

The “Medicare for All Act of 2017″ would repeal Obamacare, along with most other private and public insurance, and replace it with a government-run, one-size-fits-all, centrally directed system of reimbursement for medical expenses. Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union, holds the same opinion of health insurance as he does antiperspirants: “You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different sneakers when children are hungry in this country.”
Renaming the Schools?
Dallas Independent School District included schools named after three of America’s Founding Fathers on a list of schools that the district is exploring renaming.

The DISD administration has already recommended renaming four schools named after Confederate generals, including Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The district is conducting additional research on whether to rename at least 20 other schools named after historical figures. The list of schools, posted by DISD board member Dustin Marshall on Facebook Saturday night, includes schools named after Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.




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