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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ted Sprague, author and founder of Witness Breakthrough joins us in-studio to chat about his book, If We Are The Light, Why Is America So Dark?

Our second hour guest is author, pastor and speaker, Bobby Conway. He discusses his book, Does God Exist? And 51 Other Compelling Questions About God and the Bible.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Ted Sprague
Author, Founder - Witness Breakthrough
Ted Sprague has served as the executive director for the Georgia Golf Hall of Fame, marketing director for the Jack Nicklaus Museum, and founder of the Augusta Golf and Garden attraction.

For 25 years of his career, he has been involved in the destination marketing industry, serving as president of the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau from 1982 - 1991 and President of the Phoenix/Valley of the Sun Convention & Visitors Bureau

He has been the principal of two consulting firms, Travel Destinations and Sprague and Associates, serving over 60 cities, attractions, and destinations. He has also consulted/worked with Promise Keepers, Haggai Institute, and Fellowship of Companies for Christ. His specialty has been non-profit marketing and fund raising in non-profits.

Ted is the author of three witnessing related books.

Since becoming a Christian, Ted has spoken to groups and churches in more than 200 cities, 40 states, and several countries sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

In the last six years his focus has been on Witness Breakthrough, a ministry that equips Christians to successfully share their faith on a daily basis.

Ted Sprague and his wife Tudi live in Atlanta, Georgia. They have two married daughters and six grandchildren.
If We Are the Light, Why Is America So Dark?
A Book of "witness" exhortation and encouragement for every church and believer in America
How Do You Love Someone?

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers (golfers, joggers, tennis players, gardeners, hikers, coffee drinkers) of men” (Mark 1:17).

The FFAAIITTH acrostic contains godly insight into our daily approach to people. Please pray the following biblical truths daily and your life will never be the same.
Bobby Conway
Author, Pastor, Speaker - Life Fellowship Church
Bobby Conway grew up in California. As a young athlete and quintessential Californian the furthest thing from his mind during his youth years was God. In fact, Bobby never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ until he was nineteen years of age. While playing college baseball in Southern California, a teammate invited him to church to hear an evangelist by the name of Greg Laurie. After several visits to hear this evangelist and many questions later, Bobby was ready to give his life to Jesus Christ. This marked a moment of colossal change in Bobby's story. Bobby gave up the baggage from his past, let go of his vices and fully surrendered to live his life for Jesus Christ.

Bobby is also the visionary founder and host of the One-Minute Apologist, a creative You Tube ministry designed to give quick answers to curious questions. Furthermore, Bobby is the author of the book, "Hell, Rob Bell and What Happens When People Die?" He is a conference speaker, radio guest and spokesperson about today,s most pressing questions.

Bobby and his wife Heather also serve on the Family Life "Weekend to Remember" marriage conference speaking team.
Does God Exist?: And 51 Other Compelling Questions About God and the Bible
Do you ever find yourself stumped by questions about God, questions that sound like this...

If God is good, why is there evil?
How can a loving God send people to hell?
And who made God anyway?

Or maybe you've wrestled with hard-to-answer questions about the Bible, such as...

Aren't there contradictions in the Bible?
How can I trust the Bible if men wrote it?
Isn't the Bible full of myths, like Jonah and the whale?

Leading apologist Bobby Conway will help you discover, Q&A style, answers that are life-changing. And make no mistake--never has the culture and the church been in greater need of understanding who God is and what the Bible has to say to every one of us.
Trump and the Path to Nomination
Before we begin debunking, let’s start with the obvious: It was undoubtedly a good night for Trump and unsurprisingly so, as NR’s Henry Olsen predicted on election eve. Trump looks to have taken 90 delegates ...




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