Today our hosts is Kerby Anderson! Dr. Jim Denison, CEO of Denison Forum is his first guest. They will focus their discussion on Rashida Tlaib and the controversy with Israel. Kerby’s second guest is Bill Hendricks. Bill joins Kerby in studio to share his book, Men of Influence. His next guest is Dr. Kelly Kapic, from Kings College in London, who also has a great new book, Becoming Whole: Why the Opposite of Poverty Isn’t the American Dream. Kerby’s final guest today is Nicole C. Mullin. A long time Christian artist, Nicole is hosting an event in Dallas. The My Redeemer Event, An Encounter for Women is August 23 & 24.
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Mullen, now a single mom, has emerged from a difficult divorce and can relate to those who have walked through betrayal and hurt in the midst of relationship. She has learned to forgive and come out of a ‘night season’ stronger than she’s ever been before. “I want people to be healed, released, empowered and encouraged by these songs,” said Mullen. She produced the project and wrote 11 of the 12 songs, the exception being the classic Unforgettable, which she sings with her daughter Jasmine, lead singer of The New Respects. The song is an emotional tribute to her late father. The title track song, Like Never Before, co-produced by David Cox, was written as a song of hope.“ Just as Christ endured the Cross for the joy set before Him. Eventually we are going to sing, dance and shout like never before, but we can bring that same hope into our present. The song is meant to cheer the heart and be a celebration of hope in the midst of difficult circumstances. I know what it’s like to feel hope is gone, to be weary. But I also know what it feels like to have hope that fuels you with energy in order to move forward.”
Mullen continues to tour around the globe, becoming a highly sought after speaker and singer, and has frequently graced the stage at Billy Graham and Women of Faith events. Mullen is also writing a book about forgiveness, which she hopes to be available within the next year.

It’s time for YOU to feel refreshed, be renewed and equipped to achieve YOUR BEST!

Men have a way of rubbing off on one another—for better or worse. You will be influenced and you will influence, especially when you have regular one-on-one interactions with another man. Be intentional and become the man God made you to be, while learning to change other men’s lives for the better.
Men of Influence teaches you the importance of mentoring, how to find a good mentor, and what you can offer others as a mentor (even if you don’t feel qualified). Learn:
- how to approach a mentor without scaring him off
- what to expect at the beginning, middle, and end of a mentoring relationship
- what you have to offer to another man
People change one person at a time. Realize your full potential and help others do the same through the simple practice of mentoring.

Yet, when we try to help poor people at home or abroad, our implicit assumption is that the goal is to help them to become like us. "If they would just do things our way, they’d be fine!"
But even when they seem to pursue our path, they too find that the American Dream doesn’t work for them. What if we have the wrong idea altogether? What if the molds we are using to help poor people don’t actually fit any of us? What if the goal isn’t to turn other countries into the United States or to turn America’s impoverished communities into its affluent suburbs?
In Becoming Whole (building on the best-selling When Helping Hurts), Brian Fikkert and Kelly M. Kapic look at the true sources of brokenness and poverty and uncover the surprising pathways to human flourishing, for poor and non-poor alike. Exposing the misconceptions of both Western Civilization and the Western church about the nature of God, human beings, and the world, they redefine success and offer new ways of achieving that success. Through biblical insights, scientific research, and practical experience, they show you how the good news of the kingdom of God reshapes our lives and our poverty alleviation ministries, moving everybody involved towards wholeness.