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left_flag Thursday, August 24
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Our host today is Kerby Anderson. Kerby welcomes first time guests, Tim Kimmel and Michael Tooker as they bring us their new book, Grace at Work: The Secret to Getting More from Your Job Than a Paycheck. 

In the second hour, Kerby answer questions like who triumphed in last nights Republican debate, how illegal immigrants are causing trouble in New York City, and he may take your call.

It’s going to be a great show! So tune in on Facebook at, or to ask your questions give us a call at 800-351-1212.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Tim Kimmel Show Page
Dr. Tim Kimmel
Author | Founder and Executive Director - Grace Based Families
Dr. Tim Kimmel has devoted his adult career to showing people how to bring the best out of the ones they love most. He loves to help marriages thrive, parents launch kids with a smile on their face, churches truly represent God’s heart, and businesses become places where their employees love to work. He’s spoken all over the world and written many award winning and bestselling books. He holds an undergraduate degree from Bryan College, a master’s degree from Dallas Seminary, and doctorate from Western Seminary. Tim prefers boots to shoes, pick-up trucks to cars, and hitting golf balls every once in a while. He and his wife, Darcy, live in Scottsdale, Arizona, have four adult married children and a lot of grandchildren. He is the Executive Director of Grace Based Families.
Michael Tooker Show Page
Michael Tooker
Author | Pastor | Speaker | Board Member - Grace Based Families
Michael Tooker has spent the bulk of his adult career in the competitive world of corporate America. He’s seen firsthand the cause/effect between the kind of culture a company creates and the impact it has – either good or bad – on employee contentment, customer satisfaction and the company’s bottom line. After 25 years, he recently moved from a corner office to a member of the clergy in one of the largest, most vibrant churches in America. Regardless of where he works, it’s clear to him that a culture of grace makes all the difference. He holds an undergraduate business degree from the University of Texas and an MBA from Arizona State University. Michael likes to slip on hiking shoes or snap on snow skis and loves it when he has a plane ticket to someplace he’s never been before. He and his wife, Christine, live in Scottsdale, Arizona and have two adult sons.
Grace at Work: The Secret to Getting More from Your Job Than a Paycheck
In Grace at Work, Dr. Tim Kimmel, Founder and Executive Director of Family Matters and co-author Michael Tooker educate and inspire workers so they can apply grace-based lessons where they spend most of their time—at work.

Kimmel and Tooker teach readers how to:

influence others with kindness, mercy, understanding, and patience.
be encouraging to your colleagues and create a positive work environment.
forgive at the workplace and share hope with others.
You shouldn’t be modeling Jesus in the workplace. You should be following Jesus in the workplace. Grace at Work is for anyone tired of their negative work environment, employees overwhelmed with office politics, and men and women searching for a way to incorporate their Christian values into the place where they spend a majority of their time.
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