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left_flag Thursday, August 8
Thursday, August 8, 2024
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Welcome to our Thursday show! Today’s host is Kerby Anderson. In the first hour, Kerby welcomes Pastor Scott LaPierre. Scott brings us his new book, Your Finances God’s Way. In the second hour, Kerby brings us an update on today’s top stories and he reviews an interesting book, The Fourth Turning, giving us a biblical perspective.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show
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Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Scott LaPierre Show Page
Scott LaPierre
Author | Speaker | Teaching Pastor - Woodlands Christian Church, WA
Scott LaPierre is the teaching pastor of Woodland Christian Church in Woodland, WA, an author, and conference speaker. He holds an MA in Biblical Studies from Liberty University. God has blessed Scott and his wife, Katie, with ten children. Scott is a former schoolteacher and Army officer.
Book Cover - Your Finances God's Way
Your Finances God's Way: A Biblical Guide to Making the Best Use of Your Money
With Your Finances God’s Way, you’ll replace negative spending habits with positive patterns that will set you on the road to financial freedom. Drawing from the Bible’s wisdom on money management, this book provides essential steps backed by proven practices, helping you
+ get the most out of your money by paying off debt and building up savings
+ make informed spending choices that help you avoid anxiety, regret, and conflict
+ enjoy the fruits of managing your money in a way that honors God

Use what God has provided to thrive! Whether you’re young or old, married or single, working or staying at home, Your Finances God’s Way will give you everything you need to be a Christlike steward of the resources you’ve been given.
crime scene - police tape
Truth About Crime Statistics
By: John R. Lott Jr. - - August 7, 2024 Misunderstanding what the crime statistics measure and hiding the rise in crime The false message of the RNC was that [illegal immigration] was leading to ...
Shackles used to bind slaves on display at the Whitney Plantation in Wallace, LA
Slavery in America
Today people are taught, when it comes to slavery, America was the worst. Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine actually said, "The United States didn't inheritslavery from anybody; we created it."
long straight 2-lane road heading into storm Lightening
The Fourth Turning Is Here
Will America be transformed by a “Fourth Turning” crisis?



  • Clarity in Chaos