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left_flag Thursday, December 26
Thursday, December 26, 2019

We hope you had a joyous Christmas! Welcome to Thursday’s show. Our host, Kerby Anderson will talk about the latest from Washington and around the globe. Then he welcomes Joseph Semprevivo. They’ll talk about excessive government regulations.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Joseph Semprevivo Show Page
Joseph Semprevivo
President & CEO - Joseph’s Lite Cookies
Joseph Semprevivo is President and CEO of Joseph’s Lite Cookies, a family-owned, sugar-free cookie business. He also runs the real estate firm Joseph’s Premier Real Estate. He is an adjunct professor of finance, business, marketing, real estate and insurance at Indian River State College and the best-selling author of “Madness, Miracles, Millions.” He is a graduate of Florida International University and New Mexico State University. He is married with seven children.

At the age of 9, Joseph was diagnosed with Type I diabetes. He found out that he was a diabetic when he read a newspaper article that included symptoms for diabetes. After some blood work and tests, doctors told his parents that he would be lucky to live past the age of 17.

In 1986, he founded Joseph’s Lite Cookies after his father (Larry) -- knowing how badly Joseph wanted to eat cookies again -- experimented until he perfected the perfect sugar-free oatmeal cookie. It was Joseph's first cookie in seven years and it was amazing! He begged his father to make more flavors. From their little kitchen in New Mexico, they began baking 170 sugar free cookies a day and brought them to local grocery stores and businesses for people to sample.

Now, Joseph’s Lite Cookies bakes millions of cookies a day and makes other diabetic-friendly products such as sugar-free pancake syrup. Today the cookies can be found in numerous countries and nationwide across the United States in stores such as Dollar Tree, Big Lots, health food stores and major grocery chains across the country.
Record Web Sales
By:  Staff - - December 26, 2017 U.S. shoppers spent more online during this year's holiday shopping season, a report by Mastercard Inc showed on Wednesday, with e-commerce sales hitting a record high. The ...
Washington Post Building
Washington Post at Christmas
By: Nick Arama - - December 25, 2019 To see this article, others by Mr. Arama, and from Red State, click read more. Jazz Shaw over at Hot Air took the hit for all of us. ...
Joseph Semprevivo
All I Want to Do Is Make Cookies
Most small businessmen have enough problems improving their product, marketing and meeting payroll. When Uncle Sam and his state and local cousins get involved, life and business invariably get harder. Common sense regulation benefits everyone. But there is a level of regulation that benefits no one – except bureaucrats. In this video, Joseph Semprevivo, founder and CEO of Joseph’s Lite Cookies, gives his not-so-sugar-coated account of how the government too often hinders much more than it helps.
Trump podium flag
Christian Post – Response to Christianity Today
By: John Grano and Richard Land - - December 23, 2019 Christianity Today editor Mark Galli’s “lofty” op-ed last week calling for President Trump’s removal from office touched off a firestorm of criticism and dissent from ...
Donald Trump & Franklin Graham
Christian Post Editor Quits
By: Sarah Pulliam Bailey - - December 24, 2019 The decision by Christianity Today to publish an editorial describing President Trump as “immoral” and calling for his removal drew immediate rebuke from the president himself, who called ...




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