For the first hour of the show today, host Kerby Anderson shares from the headlines. Then author and scholar Mary Grabar shares her newest book, “Debunking Howard Zinn.” Our final guest is Pastor and author Dean Inserra. He, too, has a new book: “The Unsaved Christian.”
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She taught at the college level for twenty years, most recently at Emory University, and her work has been published by the Federalist, Townhall, FrontPage Magazine, City Journal, American Greatness, and Academic Questions.
Zinn’s history is popular, but it is also massively wrong.
Scholar Mary Grabar exposes just how wrong in her stunning new book Debunking Howard Zinn, which demolishes Zinn’s Marxist talking points that now dominate American education.
Grabar also reveals Zinn’s bag of dishonest rhetorical tricks: his slavish reliance on partisan history, explicit rejection of historical balance, and selective quotation of sources to make them say the exact opposite of what their authors intended. If you care about America’s past—and our future—you need this book.

Whether it’s the Christmas and Easter Christians or the faithful church attenders whose hearts are cold toward the Lord, we’ve all encountered cultural Christians. They’d check the Christian box on a survey, they’re fine with church, but the truth is, they’re far from God. So how do we bring Jesus to this overlooked mission field?
The Unsaved Christian equips you to confront cultural Christianity with honesty, compassion, and grace, whether you’re doing it from the pulpit or the pews. This practical guide will:
+ show you how to recognize cultural Christianity
+ teach you how to overcome the barriers that get in the way
+ give you easy-to-understand advice about VBS, holiday services, reaching “good people,” and more!
+ If you’ve ever felt stuck or unsure how to minister to someone who identifies as Christian but still needs Jesus, this book is for you.