Join Kerby as he talks with author Nathaniel Jeanson about the new book, Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species. The book asks the question, “If Darwin were to examine the evidence today using modern science, would his conclusions be the same?”
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While at Harvard, Dr. Jeanson was actively involved in adult stem cell research and published several peer-reviewed papers in secular journals in his field. His current research involves using DNA comparisons to understand the true origin of species, and he has published groundbreaking results on this question in his new book Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species. In addition, he has contributed to several other books, including The Design and Complexity of the Cell and In-Depth Creation Basics and Beyond, and he authored The Lost Treasures of Genesis.
Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, published over 150 years ago, is considered one of history's most influential books and continues to serve as the foundation of thought for evolutionary biology. Since Darwin's time, however, new fields of science have emerged that simply give us better answers to the question of origins. With a Ph.D. in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson is uniquely qualified to investigate what genetics reveal about origins.