Today’s show brings us 3 new guests. In the first hour, host Kerby Anderson welcomes Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller. He has written a book, Crisis of Command, regarding the disordered American withdrawal from Afghanistan and the failures in leadership––civil and military––that led to the chaos. In the second hour, Cyndi Bunch joins Kerby in the studio and Amin Matalqa by phone. They discuss the film, 5000 Blankets, mental illness, and homelessness.
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LtCol Stuart Scheller, MMAS
Author | Leader | Instructor | Troop Commander
Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller joined the United States Marine Corps in 2005. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Cincinnati and a Master’s in Military Science from the Marine Corps Command and Staff College. Over the course of his seventeen-year service, he has commanded troops at the platoon, company, and battalion level. He has excelled as a leader both on deployment and in the training of future warriors. In the first year of his service, he was called upon to help evacuate American citizens from Beirut during the 2006 Israeli-Lebanese conflict. In Ramadi, Iraq, he served as a company executive officer and fire support team leader. In the Paktika and Ghanzi provinces of Afghanistan, he helped clear IEDs. He has held multiple training commands including, most recently, commander of the Advanced Infantry Training Battalion at the School of Infantry East at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. It was in this capacity that he attracted attention in the summer of 2021 for speaking out against the disordered American withdrawal from Afghanistan and the failures in leadership––civil and military––that led to the chaos.

Crisis of Command: How We Lost Trust and Confidence in America's Generals and Politicians
Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller was the perfect Marine. Battle tested. A leader. Decorated for valor. Yet when the United States acted like the Keystone Cops in a panicked haphazard exit from Afghanistan for political reasons, Scheller spoke out, and the generals lashed out. In fact, they jailed him to keep him quiet, claiming he lost the “trust and confidence” bestowed upon him by the Marines. When the faith and trust is exactly what our generals and even our commander-in-chief betrayed by exercising such reckless and derelict policies. Now Scheller is free from the shackles of the Marine Corps and can speak his mind. And in Crisis of Command, that he does. He holds our generals’ feet to the fire. The same generals who play frivolously with the lives of our service men and women for political gain. The same general who lied to political leaders to further their own agendas and careers. Stuart Scheller is here to say that the buck stops here. Accountability starts now. It’s time to demand accountability and stand up for our military. In this book, Stuart Scheller shows us how.
Wife | Mother - Phillip's Wish
Cyndi (Saunders) Bunch faced the two-fold trauma of watching her husband succumb to a schizophrenic mental breakdown and leave his family, going missing on the streets. With the support of friends, family, and faith, she bravely held her family, carried on with life, and became a blessing to the homeless of Keller, Texas, whom she had once feared.
5000 Blankets
Inspired by a remarkable true story, when her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a determined woman and her young son set out to find him on the streets, sparking a movement of ...
Teacher | Director | Film Maker
Amin’s first feature, CAPTAIN ABU RAED, won Sundance’s World Cinema Audience Award and was Jordan’s first Best Foreign Language Film Oscar entry. He directed THE UNITED, STRANGELY IN LOVE and THE RENDEZVOUS, and co-wrote the pilot and directed episodes of Netflix’s Jinn. Most recently, he completed production on Sony’s inspirational true story, 5000 Blankets, starring Anna Camp (Pitch Perfect) due in theaters across the US on Dec 12 and 13.