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left_flag Thursday, February 29
Thursday, February 29, 2024

We invite you to join our Millennial Round Table with host Chelsey Yeoman. She is joined by Holly Randall. During the first hour, speaker and author Patrina Mosley joins them. And then in the second hour, Pastor Joshua Barnes comes aboard. They’ll discuss abortion, issues facing millennials, and more of today’s top news stories.

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Chelsey Youman, Esq.
National Director of Public Policy for Human Coalition

Chelsey Youman, Esq., serves the pro-life coalition, as well as women and their preborn children, by advocating for pro-life policies and jurisprudence; mobilizing and unifying local grassroots to strengthen the pro-life movement and its footprint; and engaging with the public to ultimately strengthen our community’s desire to enable women and protect preborn children. Chelsey’s professional experience includes working as seniorRead More

Holly Randall Show Page
Holly Randall
Associate Counsel - First Liberty Institute
Holly Randall serves as Associate Counsel with the First Liberty Institute.

Holly graduated summa cum laude from the Oklahoma City University School of Law, where she was recognized as the Outstanding Graduate for the Class of 2021 and a Sumners Foundation Scholar. During law school, she externed at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, worked as a research assistant to Dean Jim Roth, served as president of the OKC Student Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society, and published her Note, From Peyote to Parenthood: Why Employment Division v. Smith Must(and Might) Go, as a member of the Oklahoma City University Law Review. Holly spent her summers as a legal intern at the First Liberty Institute.

Holly received her bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Spanish from Oklahoma City University in 2018, graduating summa cum laude, cum honore, and was a member of the OCU Women’s Volleyball team.

Holly is licensed to practice law in Oklahoma.
Patrina Mosley Show Page
Patrina Mosley
Speaker | Author | Advocate | Founder and Principal - PPM Consulting
Patrina Mosley is the founder and principal at PPM Consulting, LLC, where she guides organizations, campaigns, and policymakers in elevating women's dignity issues with a special focus on the African-American community. Patrina is a speaker, author, and advocate on the issues of the right to life, combatting sexual exploitation, faith, and the black family.

Her commentary has been featured in the New York Times, The Washington Post, Washington Examiner, The Hill, The Washington Times, Townhall, The Federalist, The Daily Signal, World Magazine, LifeSite News, Live Action News, The Christian Post, and more, including over 90 published policy papers, reports, and articles.

Patrina’s sought-after expertise has placed her before multiple state legislatures, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, and serving as an appointed advisor in the United States Agency for International Development. She has had the privilege of serving in various leadership roles at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, Concerned Women for America, and the Family Research Council. Patrina sits on the advisory board of Human Coalition Action and is a contributing author to Choose Life: Answering Key Claims of Abortion Defenders with Compassion (Moody Publishers, 2022). Patrina is a graduate of Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science in Religion with a specialization in Biblical Studies and a Master’s in Public Policy.
Joshua Barnes Show Page
Joshua Barnes, MTh
Pastor | YouTube Host - The Bible Explained
Josh is a Baptist Pastor from New Hampshire with a master's degree in theology. He is the creator of "The Bible Explained," a popular YouTube channel designed to explain tough questions about biblical topics, and the host of "Point of View," a Christian TV and Radio show, where he comments on political, cultural, social, and theological issues from a Biblical worldview. Josh has answered questions such as “Should Christians fight the LGBTQ agenda?”, “Does the Bible tell us how to vote?”, “Is Bible prophecy being fulfilled today?”, “Is the reality of the resurrection of Christ relevant to politics today?”, “Can true atheists be truly conservative?”, and “Where do conservative principles come from?”
"Point of View" can be seen daily on the Right America Media Network, on FISM TV, and can be heard weekly on the K-Star Conservative Radio Network.
Texas to Pick Up IVF Debate – Following Alabama Embryo Ruling
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said his state will likely weigh in on the IVF debate following the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling that embryos are children. Source: Texas ready to pick up IVF debate following ...
Pro-Hamas protesters in MI - abandon Biden
Biden – Primary Ballot Opposition in Michigan
Michigan voters went to the polls in the state’s primary election amid calls for Democrats to boycott Biden. A campaign called “Listen to Michigan” in recent weeks urged citizens to vote “uncommitted” to protest Biden’s support for ...
SCOTUS Supreme Court Building twilight
Supreme Court Arguments on Texas and Florida Social Media Laws
Laws in Texas and Florida seek to limit social media companies’ ability to moderate content on their platforms and could shape the future of speech on the internet.
Red square - Moscow
Tucker Is Wrong About Moscow
Tucker Carlson says Moscow is ‘much nicer than any city’ in the United States. If you’re wealthy, that’s true. But not for the rest of us.
Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
What Tucker Carlson Didn’t Ask Putin
Carlson didn’t bring up the Russians’ mass slaughter of Ukrainian civilians in Bucha. Putin’s answers would have revealed how he operates and how he lies.
Hulu icon on remote
Hulu Rejects Texas Church’s Ad
First Liberty Institute demanded Hulu review and revise its policies on religious ads, noting there are no restrictions regarding “religious indoctrination."
REVERSED - Hulu icon on remote
Hulu Quickly Reverses Course, Approves Ad
Hulu Quickly Reverses Course, Approves Church Ad Promoting Worship Service  Law firm hopes television platform will publish advertising policy and apply it fairly to avoid future conflicts. [...]
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Was Carnival Rapture Warning Courageous or Inappropriate?
After pop star’s surprise witness ends with a bang, evangelical leaders discuss whether to axe apocalypse talk as ineffective evangelism.
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“He Gets Us” False Christianity?
The “He Gets Us” advertisements do not display true Christianity but, instead, a regime-approved Christianity.



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