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left_flag Thursday, February 4
Thursday, February 4, 2016

On the show today, Point of View welcomes Dr. Scott Turansky who is the co-founder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. He tells us more about his book, Motivate Your Child.

In the second hour of the show, Pat Zukeran joins us to share the stirring stories of courage and dedication of the Christian martyrs, he will also talk about the seldom discussed issue of the marks of an abusive church.



Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Dr. Scott Turansky
Co-Founder - National Center for Biblical Parenting
Scott Turansky is the co-founder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. He is co-author of Parenting is Heart Work, Home Improvement, The Christian Parenting Handbook, and Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining & Bad Attitudes. Joanne Miller is a pediatric nurse, co-founder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting and coauthor of seven parenting books.
Motivate Your Child
Learn What Internal Motivation is and How to Develop it in Your Child
You will learn:
• How to build a strong conscience to strengthen internal motivation
• How faith changes kids in practical, down-to-earth ways
• Ways to help self-focused kids think of others
• A strategy to help kids who tend to blame, rationalize, or defend
• Ways to use consequences for heart change
• Specific heart-based strategies to develop responsibility and initiative
Pat Zukeran
Director - Pacific Apologetics Center
Patrick Zukeran served on the staff of Probe Ministries for 22 years, having received graduate degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M) and Southern Evangelical Seminary (D.Min). He presently serves on the faculty of the Bible Institute of Hawaii ( and is the Director of the Pacific Apologetics Center ( based in Hawaii. He serves on the faculty of several Christian colleges around the world. He has a national and international speaking and teaching ministry, and also hosts a national and international radio show “Evidence and Answers” ( Pat has authored several books including The Apologetics of Jesus, co-authored with Norman Geisler, Unless I See, and served as editor of God, Eternity, and Spirituality.

Patrick Zukeran is one of the top Asian-American apologists in the world. He has excellent training at two top graduate schools. Pat is uniquely gifted to present and defend the faith in a university context and among thinking lay persons. He is the co-author of a crucial book, The Apologetics of Jesus. His experience in churches, universities, and the airwaves gives him an important edge in reaching the current culture for Christ.
Abusive Churches – Pat Zukeran
We are all familiar with traditional cults such as the Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses. There are, however, other groups with cultic characteristics that do not fit the same profile as the traditional cults. Sometimes ...



  • Clarity in Chaos