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left_flag Thursday, January 3
Thursday, January 3, 2019
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Welcome to our Thursday show! We have 2 excellent guests today. First host Kerby Anderson welcomes Gaston Mooney to tell us all the latest about the “evolving media landscape and the decline of liberal news.” And then, Abby Johnson, a former clinic director from Planned Parenthood, will share the latest on the fight against abortion and about the new movie telling the story of her life. Finally Kerby will take a look at some of the top stories in the news and give you his biblical point of view.

We look forward to hearing your viewpoint when you call us at 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show
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Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Gaston Mooney Show Page
Gaston Mooney
President - Blaze Media
Gaston Mooney is the president of Blaze Media. Before working in media Gaston served as a policy advisor in the U.S. Senate for the Senate Steering Committee, the Administration of Bush 43, and the U.S. House of Representatives. He resides in Greenville, SC with his wife and three young boys.
abby johnson Show Page
Abby Johnson
Founder - And Then There Were None
Abby Johnson has always been fiercely determined to help women in need. This desire is what led Abby to a career with Planned Parenthood, our nation’s largest abortion provider, and caused her to flee the organization, becoming an outspoken advocate for the pro-life movement.

During her eight years with Planned Parenthood, Abby quickly rose through the organization’s ranks and became a clinic director. Abby loved the women that entered her clinic and her co-workers. Despite a growing unrest within her, she stayed on and strove to serve women in crisis.

All of that changed on September 26, 2009 when Abby was asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion. She watched in horror as a 13 week baby fought for, and ultimately lost, its life at the hand of the abortionist.

At that moment, she fully realized what abortion actually was and what she had dedicated her life to. As it washed over Abby, a dramatic transformation had occurred. Desperate and confused, Abby sought help from a local pro-life group. She swore that she would begin to advocate for life in the womb and expose abortion for what it truly is.

Today, Abby travels across the globe sharing her story, educating the public on pro-life issues, advocating for the unborn, and reaching out to abortion clinic staff who still work in the industry. She is the founder of And Then There Were None, a ministry designed to assist abortion clinic workers in transitioning out of the industry. To date, this ministry has helped over 430 workers leave the abortion industry. Abby lives in Texas with her husband and seven precious children.
Unplanned - The Movie
Unplanned is the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation.

All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women about their reproductive choices. Her passion surrounding a woman’s right to choose even led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in.

Until the day she saw something that changed everything, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days For Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life speakers in America.
Conservative Media Merger
By: Jennifer Harper - washingtontimes.com - December 16, 2018 The recent media merger between CRTV and TheBlaze — founded by conservative broadcast titans Mark Levin and Glenn Beck, respectively — is fired up, clearly focused ...
A picture shows Twitter logo reflected in an eye
Twitter is Toxic
By: David French - nationalreview.com - January 2, 2019 It’s important to understand the platform’s true influence. One of the first things you learn when you start your professional life is that the people who ...
California’s Decline
By: Victor Davis Hanson - nationalreiew.com - January 1, 2019 California ranks first among the states in the percentage of residents over 25 who have never finished the ninth grade— 9.7 percent of California residents, ...



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