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left_flag Thursday, July 11
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Join our host, Kerby Anderson, as he brings biblical insight to today’s world.

Point of View and Kerby are very pleased to spend some time with Luis Palau. International evangelist, Luis, will share his new book, Palau: A Life on Fire, encouraging us with his life and ministry.

Later in the show, Kerby will welcome in-studio Kat Armstrong. Kat has a new book, No More Holding Back: Emboldening Women to Move Past Barriers, See Their Worth, and Serve God Everywhere.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Luis Palau Show Page
Luis Palau
Evangelist | Author | Speaker - Luis Palau Association
Luis Palau and his ministry have shared the Gospel with hundreds of millions of people through evangelistic events and media around the world. He has spoken in person to more than 30 million people in 75 countries, with more than 1 million registered decisions for Jesus Christ.
Luis Palau festivals have produced massive audiences in cities from south Florida to South America. His radio broadcasts in both English and Spanish are heard by millions on 5,000 radio outlets in 48 countries. Among other top-tier programs, Luis currently hosts Luis Palau Responde, an international Q&A program in Spanish, and Reaching Your World, a devotional-style program emphasizing biblical wisdom. He has authored close to 50 books, contributed articles on issues of faith to countless publications, and counseled business leaders, political leaders, and heads of state around the world.
Palau: A Life on Fire
One of the world's most influential religious leaders shares his legacy message and spiritual memoir for the first time. Tracing his faith journey from humble beginnings on the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to sharing the good news with millions and counseling world leaders, Luis' life is filled with adventure, risk, and faith.

A very personal book with never-before-told stories and a 16-page photo insert, Luis recounts losing his father at an early age and caring for his five siblings and his mother. He shares how as a teenager, he heard Billy Graham speak and decided to follow in his steps. How he was brought to the United States by a faith-filled pastor named Ray Stedman from Palo Alto, California. How he came to find friendship and support from Mr. Graham later in life. And how the Lord Himself has blessed, challenged, and guided Luis and his team into some of the most exciting evangelistic campaigns the world has ever seen.

With each chapter, Luis shares a foundational lesson that influenced his life and will inspire and challenge your faith. Learn about his mother's indomitable trust in God. Ponder what it means to live fully surrendered to Christ like Luis' beloved wife, Pat. And when you hear of the quiet heroes who touched and saved Luis' family, you'll discover his life message: that the gospel of Jesus is good news shared by humble, even unseen, servants of God.

Palau: A Life on Fire is a deeply spiritual and intimate interview with a man who knows life is drawing to an end, but is only seeing the light grow. This collection of guiding principles from one of the most respected evangelists of our day will spark in you a fiery faith to live out the good news of Jesus Christ.
Kat Armstrong Show Page
Kat Armstrong
Leader | Communicator | Author - Co-Founder & Executive Director of Polished Ministries
Kat Armstrong is an innovative ministry leader, sought-after communicator, and the cofounder and executive director of Polished Ministries, an organization that gathers young professional women to navigate career and explore faith together. Kat and her husband, Aaron, have been married for seventeen years, live in Dallas, Texas, with their son, Caleb, and attend Dallas Bible Church where Aaron serves as the lead pastor.
No More Holding Back
Many of us as women feel conflicted about Jesus’s calling on our lives because a woman trying to love God beyond her heart and soul, with her mind and strength, can be thought of as crossing some line or unspoken boundary.
Bible teacher Kat Armstrong challenges us to ask, “Why am I allowing limitations on my pursuit of Jesus’s calling?”
In No More Holding Back, Armstrong debunks five common myths about women:
1. Women Can’t Be Trusted to Learn and Lead
2. I Don’t Have a Lot to Offer
3. My Greatest Joy Is Marriage and Highest Calling Is Motherhood Chapter
4. I Am Too Much to Handle
5. Leading Ladies Don’t Fit in Supporting Roles
No More Holding Back invites us to discover the joy and freedom of being all in for Jesus.
two-faced mask
Projection and Progressives
By: John Zmirak - - July 10, 2019 Leftists like to play a Freudian game with social conservatives and Christians. It’s called “projection.” Spend any time speaking out against the LGBT agenda, especially, and ...




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