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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Join us for a compelling show! Today Kerby talks with fellow radio host Jerry Newcombe, answering the question, “Who Died and Made the Supreme Court God?” Kerby’s second guest is Pastor Bob Roberts who has the latest on the Kachin Christians in Burma. And his last guest is Jay Cost who has a new book, “The Price of Greatness.”

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jerry Newcombe Show Page
Jerry Newcombe
Best Selling Author, Senior Producer, On-Air Host and Columnist - D. James Kennedy Ministries
Jerry is the author/co-author of 29 books, including 17 with Dr. D. James Kennedy (e.g., What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?). The book with Dr. Peter Lillback (president of Westminster Theological Seminary) on the Christianity of our first president became a national bestseller, George Washington’s Sacred Fire.

Jerry does a radio program, which is generally 15 minutes by phone with a Christian leader on a particular issue. Guests have included Dinesh D’Souza, Michelle Malkin, Ben Kinchlow, Joni, Ted Baehr, Del Tackett, Gary Bauer, David Limbaugh, Jim DeMint, etc. ( or

Jerry was married in Norway, in the home church of his wife, Kirsti, whom he met in the registration line at Wheaton Grad School 2 years earlier. Their wedding vows were bilingual: “Ja, I do.” 38 years later, they are blessed with two children, two grandchildren with another on the way.
Bob Roberts Show Page
Bob Roberts
Pastor | Co-Chair - North Wood Church | Faith Coalition to Stop Genocide in Burma
Bob Roberts Jr. is the co-chair of the Faith Coalition to Stop Genocide in Burma and founding pastor of NorthWood Church in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, and has been involved in the planting of a hundred congregations in the United States. Bob also works in Australia, Asia, Afghanistan, Mexico, and Nepal helping with church planting and development and global engagement.
Jay Cost Show Page
Jay Cost
Visiting Scholar, Columnist, Writer, Editor - National Review Online, American Enterprise Institute, Weekly Standard
Jay Cost is a senior writer at the Weekly Standard and has written for the Wall Street Journal, National Review, and Commentary. He holds a PhD in political philosophy from the University of Chicago. He lives in Harmony, Pennsylvania.

He is the author of three books, most recently The Price of Greatness: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and the Creation of American Oligarchy.
The Price of Greatness
In the history of American politics there are few stories as enigmatic as that of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison's bitterly personal falling out. Together they helped bring the Constitution into being, yet soon after the new republic was born they broke over the meaning of its founding document. Hamilton emphasized economic growth, Madison the importance of republican principles.

Jay Cost is the first to argue that both men were right--and that their quarrel reveals a fundamental paradox at the heart of the American experiment. He shows that each man in his own way came to accept corruption as a necessary cost of growth. The Price of Greatness reveals the trade-off that made the United States the richest nation in human history, and that continues to fracture our politics to this day.
The back of the Supreme Court Bldg
Supreme Court – Jerry Newcombe
By: Jerry Newcombe - - July 6, 2018 To hear some on the left tell it, you would think that America is finished as a nation with the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony ...
blind liberty w/ scales
Roe v. Wade – Jerry Newcombe
By: Jerry Newcombe - - July 11, 2018 Soon we can expect another contentious battle in the Senate over a Supreme Court nominee. For the last few decades, in all such battles, there has ...
kachin christians praying
Genocide in Burma
By: Gary Lane - - July 10, 2018 Northwood Church founder Pastor Bob Roberts worries if the US Congress doesn't act soon, ethnic Kachin Christians in Burma may face the same plight as the ...
alexander hamilton - james madison
Madison and Hamilton
By: Jay Cost - - June 18, 2018 This week I had an opportunity to tour Montpelier, James Madison’s historic homestead located outside Orange, Va. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend it. ...




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