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Thursday, July 4, 2019

During the first part of the show Kerby will be on the phone with Nancy Pearcey talking about her new book, Love Thy Body, Answering Hard Question about Life and Sexuality. Next Kerby welcomes Ted Sprague, author and founder of Witness Breakthrough. Ted will share his book, If We Are The Light, Why Is America So Dark? In our final hour Kerby speaks to author and historian, Larry Schweikart. Larry talks with Kerby about his new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the American Revolution.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Nancy Pearcey Show Page
Nancy Pearcey
Author | Speaker | Professor - Houston Baptist University
A two-time winner of the ECPA Gold Medallion Award, Nancy Pearcey is a bestselling author and speaker who serves as professor of apologetics and scholar in residence at Houston Baptist University. Pearcey is editor at large of The Pearcey Report and a fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. Previous positions include visiting scholar at Biola University’s Torrey Honors Institute, professor of worldview studies at Cairn University, and the Francis A. Schaeffer scholar at the World Journalism Institute. She is the author of the 2005 ECPA Gold Medallion Award-winner Total Truth, along with The Soul of Science, Saving Leonardo, and Finding Truth, and coauthor with Chuck Colson and Harold Fickett of How Now Shall We Live? A former agnostic, Pearcey has been hailed in The Economist as "America's preeminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual.”
Love Thy Body Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality
In Love Thy Body, best-selling author Nancy Pearcey goes beyond politically correct talking points to offer a riveting exposé of the dehumanizing secularist ethos that shapes critical moral and socio-political issues of our day.

Formerly an agnostic, Pearcey was hailed in The Economist as "America's preeminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual." Fearlessly and with compassion, she makes the case that secularism denigrates the body and destroys the basis for human rights.

Throughout, Pearcey sets forth a holistic and humane alternative available to all--one that offers reality-oriented solutions that embrace the dignity of the human body and provide a sustainable basis for inalienable human rights.

Now, more than ever, we need to learn to "love thy body."
Ted Sprague
Author | Founder - Witness Breakthrough
Ted Sprague has served as the executive director for the Georgia Golf Hall of Fame, marketing director for the Jack Nicklaus Museum, and founder of the Augusta Golf and Garden attraction.

For 25 years of his career, he has been involved in the destination marketing industry, serving as president of the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau from 1982 - 1991 and President of the Phoenix/Valley of the Sun Convention & Visitors Bureau

He has been the principal of two consulting firms, Travel Destinations and Sprague and Associates, serving over 60 cities, attractions, and destinations. He has also consulted/worked with Promise Keepers, Haggai Institute, and Fellowship of Companies for Christ. His specialty has been non-profit marketing and fund raising in non-profits.

Ted is the author of three witnessing related books.

Since becoming a Christian, Ted has spoken to groups and churches in more than 200 cities, 40 states, and several countries sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

In the last six years his focus has been on Witness Breakthrough, a ministry that equips Christians to successfully share their faith on a daily basis.

Ted Sprague and his wife Tudi live in Atlanta, Georgia. They have two married daughters and six grandchildren.
If we are the light, why is America so dark?
A Book of "witness" exhortation and encouragement for every church and believer in America.
Larry Schweikart
Larry Schweikart
Author | Professor of History - University of Dayton
Larry Schweikart, a native Arizonian, went to Arizona State University and received a BA in Political Science, then went on the road with several different rock bands, opening for such 60s/70s acts as Steppenwolf and the James Gang. He abruptly decided he wanted to be a history professor, and received an MA from ASU in history, then a Ph.D. from University of California, Santa Barbara.

Since 1985 he has taught at the University of Dayton. Schweikart’s best selling books include Seven Events that Made America America, 48 Liberal Lies About American History, and his #1 NYTimes bestseller, with Mike Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States. Recently he completed a history of the modern world with Dave Dougherty, A Patriot’s History of the Modern World in two volumes. He has been on almost all media, from Al-Jazeera to Glenn Beck, from Tavis Smiley to Rush Limbaugh.

Since 2009, he has been a film producer. His documentary, “Rockin’ the Wall,” about rock music’s part in bringing down the Iron Curtain, appeared on PBS, and his current project, “Other Walls 2 Fall,” featuring Yanni, Clint Black, Busta Rhymes, and a heavy metal band from inside Tehran, is now starting to show nationally.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the American Revolution
The truth about the American Revolution is under attack. Despite what you may have learned in school, it wasn't a rich slaveholder's war fought to "maintain white privilege." In fact, the War of Independence wasn't about maintaining any status quo—it was the world's first successful bottom-up revolution by the people, ushering in a new dawn of liberty that history had never seen before. But with left-wingers dominating the teaching of history, where can you go for the true story of the unprecedented events that made the United States the worlds greatest nation?

Now bestselling historian Larry Schweikart has teamed up with author Dave Dougherty to write the ground-breaking patriotic history you've always wanted to read about the foundation of our unique nation.




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