In the first hour, our host, Kerby Anderson talks with Floyd Brown about his new book, Counterpunch: An Unlikely Alliance of Americans Fighting Back for Faith and Freedom.
In the second hour, Kerby talks about a federal court case which recently ruled that the Biden administration censored conservative media during covid, and other news stories.
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Brown is founder of The Western Journal, a "Top 50" digital media company. And he was the founding President of the organization Citizens United in 1989.
He is the author of six books, the latest is Counter Punch: An Unlikely Alliance of Americans Fighting Back for Faith and Freedom.
Brown has appeared on many network and cable TV shows including: Fox News' Tucker Carlson, the CBS Evening News, ABC’s Primetime, NBC’s Today Show, CNN, HBO, PBS and more.
Counterpunch explains step-by-step how you can take part in a second American Revolution that will completely reorder the country under new governing principles. Touted as the Christian answer to Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, Brown’s Counterpunch outlines a strategy for mobilizing a peaceful resistance that leads to collective action.
Utilizing an evergreen approach that isn’t focused on specific public policy issues, Floyd delivers a practical, biblically based plan for every American that will lead to the renewal of liberty.