Our host today is Kerby Anderson. He will begin with welcoming Daniel Ray in studio. They’re talking about the Compatibility of Science and Christianity. Kerby’s other guest is Dr. Jim Denison. Jim also joins him in-studio. They’ll talk about the support For Same-Sex Marriage.
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James C. Denison, Ph.D.
President, Denison Forum on Truth and Culture

Daniel holds a bachelor of science in education (Austin Peay State University, 2001) and a master’s in Christian apologetics (Houston Baptist University, 2016).
He is co-editor with Dr. Paul Gould and co-contributor to the 2019 book, The Story of the Cosmos - How the Heavens Declare the Glory of God. He also produces two podcasts, Good Heavens! (science, cosmology, astronomy and the glory of God) and Apologetics Profile (world religions, cults, non-Christian worldviews, apologetics).
Daniel has interviewed a number of scientists, cosmologists, and astronomers over the years, including the Vatican astronomer, Br. Guy Consolmagno, as well as Sasha Sagan, the daughter of the late planetary astronomer and science popularizer, Dr. Carl Sagan.
Daniel currently lives in rural North Texas where the stars at night are big and bright!

Christianity and science are indeed compatible!