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left_flag Thursday, June 20
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Neil Tomba will be our first guest. He will be talking to our host Nick Pitts about his on-going journey across America, Coast To Coast Conversations. Then Jeff Allen will join Nick to talk about his testimony and Christian Comedy. The final guest for the day is Matt Fuqua. Matt is a musician and singer with the band The Afters and will share the release of the bands newest album, Fear No More.

Weigh in with your view point when you call us in-studio at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at


Nick Pitts
Dr. Nick Pitts
Executive Director of the Institute for Global Engagement - DBU

J. Nick Pitts serves as the Executive Director of the Institute for Global Engagement at Dallas Baptist University. Previous to this he held the position of Director for Cultural Engagement at Denison Forum on Truth and Culture. He came to the Denison Forum in 2014. He contributed to the Forum in the areas of geopolitics and popular culture, as wellRead More

Neil Tomba Show Page
Neil Tomba
Senior Pastor - Northwest Bible Church
Neil has served as the senior pastor for 17 years at one of the most well-known, well-loved churches in Dallas, Texas, Northwest Bible Church. Years ago, a huge dream was born in Neil’s heart when he discovered two of his greatest passions: having conversations about Jesus and spending time in the great outdoors.

Neil decided loving Jesus meant more than just sermons every Sunday, it meant taking risks and sharing the Jesus he loved through conversations with others. In June 2019, Neil will be cycling across the United States where, along the way, he intends to engage in conversations about faith and Jesus with individuals from all walks of life.
Jeff Allen Show Page
Jeff Allen
Comedian | Speaker | Author
Jeff Allen combines clean, hilarious humor with inspiration like no other Christian comedian working today. He performs sidesplitting standup and, when requested, riveting testimony. As such, he is a favorite at outreach events where church members can freely invite their unchurched friends, knowing that they’ll be sharing world‐class entertainment. For decades, Jeff Allen has been performing at churches, marriage retreats and conventions, on television and radio, for fundraisers and at corporate functions all across the country.
Jeff Allen is the best at what he does – making people laugh as hard as humanly possible. His Happy Wife, Happy Life® message of a marriage gone wrong and redeemed has given laughter and encouragement to millions of people. Jeff’s comedy drives home the humor in everyday family life and the joy derived from a healthy marriage.
Matt Fuqua Show Page
Matt Fuqua
Lead Vocals | Musician - The Afters
The Afters are a Christian pop rock band founded by Joshua Havens and Matt Fuqua. Havens and Fuqua first worked together in a Starbucks coffee shop in Mesquite, Texas, where they played for customers, before deciding to form a band. They added Brad Wigg and Marc Dodd, who were also employed at the same Starbucks, under their original name of Blisse. Their song "Never Going Back to OK" was the most-played song on R&R magazine's Christian CHR chart for 2008.
fear no more album art
Fear No More by The Afters
Writing and recording music written from the human experience has long been a specialty of award-winning band, The Afters. Their deep catalog of songs connects people to one another, putting words to both the answered and unanswered prayers of the heart. But when it was time to write for their new album, Fear No More, band members Josh Havens, Jordan Mohilowski, Matt Fuqua and Dan Ostebo found themselves looking inward and leaning on each other in a brand-new way.

“One thing I love about our band is we’re like brothers,” Havens shares. “We really are. We’ve been through a lot together over the years and those challenges have brought us even closer and strengthened that bond. We’re able to be really honest with each other. Through everything, we’re still good friends.”

For Fear No More, the members dug deep, each desiring to make an album that truly reflected the inner-most parts of their own humanity, including the parts they wouldn’t have normally chosen to expose in such a public way. They wrote this new collection of songs for themselves, wrote messages they needed to hear, laying themselves bare in order to reach a new level of transparency in their songs. It took complete honesty with each other to allow the creative freedom to write complete honesty into their songs.

In an effort to look inward and be present in life’s biggest moments, The Afters have created an album that pulls you in like a warm hug from an old friend. “What we’re feeling as we launch Fear No More is gratitude,” Havens says. “After all these years together, if there’s one thing we have, it’s gratitude.
Nick Daily Briefing
The Daily Briefing
The Daily Briefing is a newsletter sent straight to your inbox every morning that provides biblical insight on today's news. This five-minute read gives an overview of the news driving the day and provides Nick Notes. These Notes offer biblical insight of the highlighted article. In essence, each note tries to answer this question: how should we think about this from a biblical perspective?
Bladensburg Cross
War on Veterans Memorials is Over
By: First Liberty - - June 13, 2019 Today, in a 7-2 decision, the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States preserved the nearly 100-year old Bladensburg WWI Veterans Memorial, along with memorials ...




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