Kerby Anderson hosts this hour which will feature US Representative Tony Tinderholt with the latest from local politics, and Byron Barlowe & Paul Gould who are in-studio to discuss Cultural Apologetics.
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Tinderholt serves as Vice Chairman of the Defense & Veterans' Affairs Committee and as a member of the Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee. He is also a founding member of the Texas Freedom Caucus and serves as a Deputy Floor Leader for the House Republican Caucus. During each legislative session, he has been ranked in the top 5 most conservative members by a nonpartisan Rice University study.

Byron co-leads a Reasonable Faith chapter on a local Tier 1 research university. His worldview apologetics work there puts him in vital touch with younger generations and their need for for a rational, meaningful, personal faith in Christ.
He and Dianne now track their triplets who entered college simultaneously in three different states, leaving them in an apocalyptic empty nest. Prayers welcome.

Many--including many Christians--no longer perceive the world in its proper light. As a result, the Christian imagination is muted. Moreover, the church has grown anti-intellectual and sensate, out of touch with the relevancy of Jesus and how to relate the gospel to all aspects of contemporary life. As a result, the Christian voice is muted. In this age Christian wholeness remains elusive, blunting the church's ability to present a winsome and compelling witness for faith. As a result, the Christian conscience is muted.
Cultural Apologetics addresses this malaise by setting forth a fresh model for cultural engagement, rooted in the biblical account of Paul's speech on Mars Hill, which details practical steps for reestablishing the Christian voice, conscience, and imagination. Readers will be equipped to see, and help others see, the world as it is--deeply beautiful, mysterious, and sacred.
With creative insights, Cultural Apologetics prepares readers to share a vision of the Christian faith that is both plausible and desirable, offering clarity for those who have become disoriented in the haze of modern Western culture.

Communicating The Brilliance And Beauty Of Jesus And The Gospel In Creative And Compelling Ways.
Cultivating In Our Own Lives And In The World Around Us The Good, True, And Beautiful For The Good Of All.
Creating New Artifacts, Institutions, And Cultural Spaces Where Jesus Is Seen As Brilliant And Beautiful.
In Short, We Hope To Inspire, Equip, And Collaborate With Like-Minded Christians To Re-Enchant The World.