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left_flag Thursday, March 29
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Today’s program is hosted by Kerby Anderson. His guest is Lance Izumi. He has a new book: The Corrupt Classroom. Kerby’s guest in the final hour is Wayne Pederson who will talk about the International Day for the Unreached.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Lance Izumi Show Page
Lance Izumi
Koret Senior Fellow & Senior Director - Education Studies
Lance T. Izumi is Senior Director of Pacific ResearchInstitute’s Center for Education, and Koret Senior Fellow in Education Studies.He is the author of the highly acclaimed 2012 book Obama’s Education Takeover(Broadside, Encounter Books), which details the centralization of educationpolicymaking in Washington under President Obama.
Mr. Izumi is also the principal author of the groundbreakingseries of books Not as Good as You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School.In each volume, he examines the underperformance of middle-class students inCalifornia, Texas, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey. His filmcredits include: co-executive producer of the award-winning PRS-broadcastdocumentary of the same name. And he appears in Academy Award-winning directorDavis Guggenheim’s acclaimed film documentary Waiting for Superman.

Mr. Izumi served as chief speechwriter and director ofwriting and research for California Governor George Deukmejian. He also servedin the administration of President Ronald Reagan as speechwriter to UnitedStates Attorney General Edwin Meese III.

He served five years as a commissioned officer (captain,Public Affairs Office) in the California State Military Reserve. Among hisdecorations, he received the commendation medal and the achievement ribbon. Mr.Izumi received his J.D. from the University of Southern California School ofLaw. He received his master of arts in political science from the University ofCalifornia at Davis and his bachelor of arts in economics and history from theUniversity of California at Los Angeles.
The Corrupt Classroom: Bias, Indoctrination, Violence and Social Engineering Show Why America Needs School Choice
In The Corrupt Classroom, Lance Izumi reveals the shocking situation in many American public schools, from teachers politicking in their classrooms to one-sided curricula to unsafe campuses to massive fiscal mismanagement. Looking at both personal stories of parents and their children,plus key research evidence, he dramatically shows that when parents feel that their children are being indoctrinated,victimized or shortchanged in their learning, they should have the right and the tools to exit the public school system for educational alternatives that better meet their children's needs.
Wayne Pederson Show Page
Wayne Pederson
Executive Director - International Day for the Unreached
Wayne began his radio career in 1967 as an announcer on KTIS in Minneapolis. In 1997, he was promoted to Executive Vice President for Media at the University of Northwestern in St. Paul, Minn. During those years Wayne also served on the board of NRB, and as Executive Director of the Christian Music Broadcasters and President of the Mission America Coalition.

In 2004, Wayne was hired by Moody Broadcasting, where he eventually became Vice President of Broadcasting. In 2008, God called Wayne to serve as President of HCJB Global, now Reach Beyond. Wayne is now serving as Global Ambassador for ​Reach Beyond​ and is also chairing the ​2017 International Day for the Unreached​.

Wayne and his wife, Willi, live in Colorado Springs, Colo., and enjoy spending time with Wayne’s two daughters and nine grandchildren.
International Day for the Unreached-229x300
International Day for the Unreached - March 29, 2018 The first Pentecost marked the beginning of the gospel going to the farthest corners of the earth. The red dots in the map above show the work remaining to be ...




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