Today is the National Day of Prayer!
Debbie Georgatos is guest hosting today. She will welcome guests Mark Krikorian, Claire Lopez and Peter Brookes. Mark will adress the illegal-alien caravan in Tijuana. Claire talks about the most recent speech by Benjamin Netanyahu’s on the Iranian nuclear program. And Peter is one of the leading experts on National Security. Debbie’s other topics will be the National Day of Prayer and the happenings in North Korea.
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Mr. Krikorian’s knowledge and expertise in the immigration field are sought by Congress, as well as the mainstream and new media. He frequently testifies before Congress and has published articles in numerous outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and elsewhere. He is a contributor at National Review Online, and has appeared on all major cable and broadcast news networks. He is on Twitter at @MarkSKrikorian.
Mr. Krikorian addresses a variety of audiences on a multitude of immigration topics. In addition, Mr. Krikorian is the author of the books The New Case against Immigration, Both Legal and Illegal and How Obama is Transforming America through Immigration.
His most recent publication is Open Immigration: Yea & Nay, co-authored with Alex Nowrasteh of the Cato Institute.
Mr. Krikorian holds a master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University. He spent two years at Yerevan State University in then-Soviet Armenia.

Lopez received a B.A. in Communications and French from Notre Dame College of Ohio and an M.A. in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. She completed Marine Corps Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Quantico, Virginia before declining a military commission to join the CIA.

In 2016, Brookes completed his fifth, two-year term as a congressionally appointed member of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, named to the Commission by two different Speakers of the House of Representatives.
Before joining Heritage in 2002, Brookes served in the administration of President George W. Bush as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific affairs. In this post, he was responsible for U.S. defense policy for 38 countries and five bilateral defense alliances in Asia.
Prior to beginning his civilian career, Brookes served in the U.S. Navy. He carried out assignments in Asia, the Middle East and Latin America in aviation and intelligence billets. He has more than 100 missions and 1,300 flight hours aboard the Navy's EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft.
Now a retired naval intelligence officer with the rank of commander, while a reservist, Brookes served with the National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Office of Naval Intelligence, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Office of the Vice President.
He holds a doctorate from Georgetown University and a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University. He received his bachelor’s degree from the U.S. Naval Academy, appointed to Annapolis by the late Congressman Jack Kemp (R-NY).