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left_flag Thursday, November 1
Thursday, November 1, 2018

On Point of View today, Kerby welcomes Buddy Pilgrim to discuss election stories and to give you his biblical perspective on the upcoming elections. His next guest is Charles Sauer who will talk about his new book, “Profit Motive.” Finally, Kerby will welcome Jeff Martin, Executive Director of Ministry Advancement. Jeff has information about the recent 15th Annual Fields of Faith.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Buddy Pilgrim Show Page
Buddy Pilgrim
Founder - Integrity Leadership
Buddy Pilgrim has served as an executive of a multi-billion dollar publicly traded company; a turn-around CEO and leader of several multi-hundred million dollar companies; an entrepreneur of many successful start-up ventures; the founder of an international poultry distribution business in Moscow, Russia; a public speaker & preacher across America, Europe and Africa; and an ordained minister who has hosted his own Television and Radio programs.

He is the founder of Integrity Leadership, a non-profit Christian ministry he founded in 1998 specifically to teach God’s Word for the workplace. Through the ministry, Buddy preaches in churches, teaches business seminars, and speaks to civic organizations, trade groups and businesses across the U.S. and Europe. He teaches Biblical principles of leadership, business management and financial success applicable to every Christian in the workplace.

As a part of Integrity Leadership, he has hosted television and radio programs called “Getting Down 2 Business.” He also published a monthly “Getting Down 2 Business” newsletter containing Biblical business principles.

Buddy has had, and continues in a long and distinguished business career. His successes include corporate leadership positions, as well as, entrepreneurial endeavors
Charles Sauer Show Page
Charles Sauer
Economist | Policy Specialist | Founder | Director | Host - The Market Institute
Charles Sauer is an economist and policy specialist. He has spent time on Capitol Hill working for the Chairman of the Finance Committee; he has worked for a Governor on tax, immigration, and labor issues; and was Deputy Legislative Director for an academic think tank focusing on tax, finance, and healthcare. On the Hill he is known for developing free market solutions and effective legislative coalitions. Charles runs the Market Institute, is a founder of the Savings and Retirement Foundation, Co-Director of the Inventor’s Project, and host of the Prosperity Caucus. Charles is a Weekly Standard contributor and has written for Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily,, The Washington Times, The Daily Caller, and numerous other publications. Additionally, Charles Sauer appears weekly on both One America News as well as the Big Picture with Thom Hartmann.
Profit Motive: What Drives the Things We Do
Most businesses are driven to maximize profit, but what does this drive really mean in action? In Profit Motive: What Drives the Things We Do economist Charles Sauer makes the case that identifying your own and others’ “Profit Motives” provides the foundation for running a successful business, being an effective leader, a good consumer, and getting what you really want out of life. In this highly praised new treatise on economic behavior, Sauer examines how businesses make decisions in pricing and employment and how the search for long-term profit can mean adopting practices that may seem contrary to fundamental capitalist principles. But the Profit Motive analysis goes well beyond the realm of finance and corporate decision-making to explain how gaining a profit, or a benefit, is the motivating force behind an endless array of choices made by everyone from large organizations to individuals and their families―and everything in between.
Jeff Martin Show Page
Jeff Martin
Executive Director of Ministry Advancement - Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Jeff Martin serves as the Executive Director of Ministry Advancement. Prior to his current role, Jeff served as the National Director of Camp and Campus Ministries at the NSC. Before joining the NSC staff, Jeff was the SW Oklahoma FCA Area Director in Lawton, Okla., for 14 years. During that time, he founded Fields of Faith, which has become an annual national outreach event for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Jeff grew up in Harrah, Okla., where he competed in football and basketball at Harrah High School. He attended college and was a member of the football team at East Central University in Ada, Okla. Martin went on to receive a Masters of Divinity with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas.

Jeff currently lives in Overland Park, Kansas, with his wife Julie, and they have three children: AJ, Ashleigh and Alexis.
FCA Logo square
15th Annual Fields of Faith - October 2018
The Lord has huge plans for the 15th annual Fields of Faith,” said FCA Executive Director of Ministry Advancement Jeff Martin, who originated the event in 2004. “This student-led, student-driven, peer-to-peer event inspires students to refuel their faith and get back to the basics of reading God’s Word through worship and personal testimonies. We can’t wait to see what God does through these awesome students at this year’s Fields of Faith.”
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By: Ann Coulter - - October 31, 2018 Having mastered fake news, now the media are trying out a little fake history. In the news business, new topics are always popping up, from the ...
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15th Annual Fields of Faith
By: Ross Cluver - - September 28, 2018 Kansas City, Mo. (September 24, 2018) For many, sports has become more of a platform than a way to glorify God. But nearly 200,000 students, coaches, ...




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