Today’s program is hosted by our own Kerby Anderson. His first guest is O.S. Hawkins. Dr. Hawkins joins Kerby in studio. They will be talking about his wonderful new book, “The Connection Code” which explores Philemon. Kerby’s other guest is another long time friend, Robert Knight. They’ll discuss Robert’s “Signs of Hope for America” article. In the second hour, Kerby will bring us his perspective on rising antisemitism and ongoing pro-life battles.
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In The Connection Code, trusted Bible teacher O. S. Hawkins digs deep into the biblical book of Philemon to give us a blueprint for building life-giving relationships in every sphere of our lives. This tiny book in the New Testament is a letter the apostle Paul wrote to a wealthy businessman named Philemon on behalf of his escaped bond servant, Onesimus. Containing only 22 sentences, the book of Philemon unlocks the code to forging interpersonal connections that stand the test of time.

Mr. Knight is a senior fellow for STAND (Staying True to America’s National Destiny). He has held senior positions at the American Civil Rights Union (now the American Constitutional Rights Union), the Family Research Council, the Culture & Family Institute at Concerned Women for America, the Heritage Foundation, Coral Ridge Ministries, and the Media Research Center.
He wrote and directed the documentary videos “The Children of Table 34,” about sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, and “Hidden Truth: What You Deserve to Know about Abortion.” He has written seven books, including “Liberty on the Brink” (2020) and “The Coming Communist Wave” (2020), and co-authored three others.