Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. He welcomes Sarah McConnell from The Texan. In addition to all the latest news, Jerry Tuma will join Kerby in-studio to talk about the stock market, the current economy, and economic trends. Then, Kerby will welcome Abraham Enriquez. Abraham is the founder of Bienvenido the fastest growing and most active organization in conservative Hispanic outreach.
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Education: As a graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington (BBA, 1979), Jerry studied under one of the nation's top economic forecasters, a disciple of Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman.
Organizations: A founding member of Kingdom Advisors, Jerry has been a vital part of this nationwide Christian Financial planning organization. Jerry also sits on the board of Heritage Alliance, a non-profit organization designed to return America, through the political process to its Godly roots and General’s International a global prayer and reformation network.

Abraham has been published in several media publications and has been invited to be a commentator on Univision and Telemundo. Since the inception of Bienvenido US in March 2019, Abraham has worked to make Bienvenido the fastest growing and most active organization in conservative Hispanic outreach.
Abraham graduated in 2018 from Abilene Christian University with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science with double minors in Business and Spanish and a concentration in Pre-Law. Abraham has been frequently invited to White House events involving Hispanic Heritage celebrations.