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left_flag Thursday, November 5
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Today’s show is hosted by Kerby Anderson. He gives us a unique perspective on the election, politics, and today’s world news. In the second hour, we will hear from Eric Eggers, a multi-talented researcher, reporter, radio & television co-host, writer, and author. Kerby’s other guest today is Mark Yarbrough. Dr. Yarbrough joins Kerby in-studio to share his new book, “Jonah: Beyond the Tale of a Whale.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Mark Yarbrough Show Page
Mark Yarbrough, Th.M., Ph.D.
President of Dallas Theological Seminary - Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary
Dr. Mark Yarbrough began his tenure as the 6th president of DTS on July 1,2020. He also serves as Professor of Bible Exposition. Along with his responsibilities of leading DTS, he serves as an elder of Centerpoint Church in Mesquite and travels extensively leading tours and speaking at conference centers. Mark has recently authored Jonah, Beyond the Tale of a Whale. He has been married for twenty-nine years to Jennifer, his high school sweetheart. They have four adult children,one son-in-law, and reside in Sunnyvale, Texas.
Jonah: Beyond the Tale of a Whale
Many people are intrigued by the biblical account of Jonah. Unfortunately, some view it as a simplistic moral tale, akin to a fish story or a child’s fable. In Jonah: Beyond the Tale of a Whale, author Mark M. Yarbrough leads readers into a deeper investigation of this significant biblical book, discovering in it encouragement to Christ- followers to evaluate their spiritual growth as they pursue the heart of God.
Eric Eggers Show Page
Eric Eggers
Radio Co-Host | Reporter | Author - Research Director at Government Accountability Institute
ERIC EGGERS, a Research Director for GAI, working under famed investigative journalist, Peter Schweizer was heavily involved in the research for national best-sellers, Clinton Cash, Extortion, and Secret Empires.

He was was Director of Research for the #1 New York Times bestselling Clinton Cash graphic novel. Eggers was an Associate Producer for the Clinton Cash documentary, and is the Co Executive Producer for an upcoming documentary on Google and Facebook. He has also produced several Fox News specials which aired on the Sean Hannity show, has over a decade worth of experience in conservative media as a talk radio co-host, and has written articles for multiple national websites, which have garnered Drudge Report headlines.
Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election
From the investigative team that produced Clinton Cash, Fraud busts open the ballot box to expose the felons, illegal immigrants, and even corpses that fraudulently foil America’s chances for honest election outcomes.

Which members of Congress actually lost their races? Which counties have registered voters listed as over 200 years old? Where in America are over 100 percent of an area’s voters registered to vote? With exclusive interviews with whistleblowers who have seen the fraud first-hand and backed by state of the art forensic tools and elite investigative acumen, Fraud analyzes the voter rolls to name names and show, in historic detail, how the numbers just don’t add up.

When it comes to exposing voter fraud, the stakes have never been higher.
media-member after Biden Campaign Speech
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The most dangerous time to write an election analysis is when it is too late to predict what will happen, and too soon to know what happened. But we do know a few things already ...
Woman holding ballot
Vote Counting Error in Arizona?
UPDATE II: The office of Governor Doug Ducey tells Townhall final vote tallies may not be completed for a number of days. UPDATE: The Arizona Secretary of State is urging caution on the state being ...
Trump Speaks - Ballroom
Polls Were Lies
As the old saw goes, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” As of this writing, the 2020 election outcome for the two candidates hangs in the balance. But whatever happens, ...




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