Today Point of View‘s host is our own Kerby Anderson! During the first hour, his guests are Herbie Newell and Leland Ryken. First Kerby and Mr. Newell will discuss Lifeline Children’s Services and adoption. And then Dr. Ryken has a great new book to share with us, “A Treasury of Thanksgiving: Illustrated Poetry, Prose, and Praise.” In the second hour, Kerby brings us the latest stories from the headlines.
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Having witnessed the plight of older orphans on many international trips, Herbie formed (un)adopted in 2009, Lifeline’s strategic orphan care ministry focused on equipping orphaned and vulnerable children with life skills needed to bring about community transformation.
Herbie holds a Master’s of Business Administration in Accounting from Samford University. He and his wife, Ashley, live in Birmingham, Alabama, and are parents to son, Caleb, and daughters, Adelynn and Emily.