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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Point of View welcomes Cindy Cunningham, founder of Village of Hope Uganda Ministries and Rose Aber who is in Dallas from Kenya. They share their story of how God caused their paths to cross and how He is using Village of Hope Uganda to make a difference in the lives of war orphans. During the next hour Nita Belles, managing director of the nonprofit In Our Backyard and the regional director of Central Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans (OATH) joins Kerby to tell us more about her book, In Our Backyard: Human Trafficking in America and What We can do to stop it. In the final hour, we hear from authors, Gregory and Marina Slayton. They will tell us more about their book, Be the Best Mom You Can Be: A Practical Guide to Raising Whole Children in a Broken Generation.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Cindy Cunningham
Founder and Director - Village of Hope Uganda
Cindy Cunningham has spent her life giving, caring and helping people all over the world. She has ministered to children, youth and adults in Japan, Hawaii, Russia and Africa with organizations like: Youth for Christ, Josh McDowell Ministries and African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministries.

In 2006 Cindy took a trip to Africa which would forever change her life. She visited: Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan and Uganda, and was haunted by the devastation that war, HIV/aids and poverty can have on people, especially the innocent and helpless…the children! She returned to the US asking the question we all ask ourselves: “God, what can I do?” Village of Hope was birthed out of her broken heart and compassion for the people of Africa.

Cindy resides in Dallas, Texas where she organizes and oversees Village of Hope Uganda and is committed to raising funds and awareness for orphans and widows in Africa.
Rose Aber
Uganda Director - Village of Hope Uganda
Rose was born and raised in Uganda and as a child lived in the town of Gulu, only to have to flee to safety from Rebel attacks. After Rose graduated college, she returned to Gulu with World Vision where she counseled, fed and loved the orphans. Rose is completely devoted and committed to the children and widows of Gulu.

In February of 2007 World Vision wanted to relocate Rose to another area, but Rose told them she could not leave the children and resigned from her position. Since March 1, 2007, Rose has been working with Village of Hope. She is a huge asset to the work in Gulu. Her responsibilities consist of registering the organization with the government, buying land, overseeing all the building, hiring and logistics of getting the Village ready to move the children into.
Nita Belles
Managing Director - In Our Backyard
Nita Belles is the managing director of the nonprofit In Our Backyard and the regional director of Central Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans (OATH). She works across the nation, helping victims and survivors of human trafficking, and raising awareness about modern slavery. She holds a masters degree in theology with a concentration in women’s concerns.
In Our Backyard: Human Trafficking in America and What We Can Do to Stop It
In recent years, Americans have woken up to the reality that human trafficking is not just something that happens in other countries. But what most still do not understand is that neither is it something that just happens to "other people" such as runaways or the disenfranchised. The human trafficker is no respecter of faith, education, or socioeconomic status, and even kids who are raised in solid families in middle and upper class suburbs can fall victim. Likewise, labor trafficking happens in our cities, neighborhoods, and rural areas.

Through true stories and years of boots-on-the-ground experience, including at the Super Bowl, anti-trafficking expert Nita Belles teaches readers everything they need to know about human trafficking in the United States and what they can do to join the fight against it. She helps concerned parents, friends, teachers, law enforcement, government officials, and other leaders understand all forms of trafficking, identify risk factors, and take practical steps to keep their loved ones and neighbors safe from predators.
Marina Slayton
Marina Slayton is the mother of four great kids. She has been a mom for 25 years and has counseled many younger mothers. She has dual Masters in Education from Columbia University. She and her husband Gregory have co-authored two best-selling books. “Be the Best Mom You Can Be” is the Slayton’s most recent book.
Gregory Slayton
Author | Former US Chief of Mission to Bermuda
Gregory is a venture capitalist and the former US Chief of Mission to Bermuda. His best-selling book on Fatherhood “Be a Better Dad Today” has sold almost 200,000 copies around the world in less than three years.
International Meetings (G7 Summit, Bilderberg Summit)
Covering issues from Europe to terrorism and IT, the lesser known Bilderberg policy conference includes prime ministers, CEOs from banks, airlines, oil and the arms industry, and even George Osborne. As one summit closes, another ...
Be the Best Mom You Can Be: A Practical Guide to Raising Whole Children in a Broken Generation
What if you could sit down with a wise, experienced mom--someone who has dealt with her child being bullied, who has seen the impact of permissiveness, who has been forced to depend on God for every single day, and still talks with grace and compassion?
Through many years of tested faith, and her close walk with God, Marina Slayton has written this amazing book to help guide mothers through today's often times impossible expectations. In her book, Marina will help you to write a life-changing family vision statement, break the cycle of generational sin, and explain why you don't have to measure up to many of the difficult expectations society has created. With every move across the country, every illness she's struggled through, Marina knows more in heart, as to what it truly means to rely on the only trustworthy source of life. What is the source to being a good mother, and the strength to go through life's hardships? Quite simply, Jesus Christ.




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