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left_flag Thursday, October 10
Thursday, October 10, 2024

Welcome to Point of View’s show hosted by Liberty McArtor. Her first guest is Joshua Ryan Butler. Joshua brings us his new book, The Party Crasher: How Jesus Disrupts Politics as Usual & Redeems Our Partisan Divide. Then in the second hour, Liberty’s first guest is Don Shenk. They’ll talk about The Tide Ministry. And her final guest is Joel Chernoff, and they’ll discuss the Joseph Project International.

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Liberty McArtor -Know Why- Show Page
Liberty McArtor
Freelance Writer

Liberty McArtor serves as the President of Know Why, Inc. and host of the Know Why Podcast. She also writes for Point of View Radio Talk Show and tutors students in English. Liberty earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Patrick Henry College in northern Virginia. In the past she has worked as a part-time talk radio producer for WMALRead More

Joshua Ryan Butler Show Page
Joshua Ryan Butler
Author | Pastor
Joshua Ryan Butler is a pastor and the author of three books includinghis latest, Beautiful Union: How God’s Vision for Sex Points Us to theGood, Unlocks the True, and (Sort of) Explains Everything. Together with his wife, Holly, and their three children,Josh enjoys spending time with good friends over great meals and exploring thescenic beauty of the Southwest.
Book Cover - The Party Crasher
The Party Crasher: How Jesus Disrupts Politics as Usual & Redeems Our Partisan Divide
Have you noticed a deeper level of political division in your community or church? If so, you’re not alone. This powerful, accessible book exposes the religious nature of modern political movements and how they compete with faithfulness to Christ.

Rather than retreat from the political realm, The Party Crasher will help you understand the politics of our age and equip you with the wisdom to faithfully navigate them.

This is not a book about putting politics aside, it’s a book about putting politics in their place so that we might be better disciples of Jesus in whichever party or place we find ourselves
Don Shenk Show Page
Don Shenk
Executive Director - The Tide Ministry
The Tide Director Don Shenk was born to missionary parents in what was then known as Rhodesia, and prior to joining The Tide in 2001 served as a missionary teaching at a Bible School in Zimbabwe, Africa. In addition to lecturing in the classroom at Ekuphileni Bible Institute, Don served as Academic Dean and Director of Student Ministries. He also developed and implemented a manual skills training program to enable rural pastors to minister bi-vocationally. Through twenty-eight years living in Zimbabwe, and numerous visits to Africa, Eastern Europe and India as a ministry administrator and resource person for church conferences and leadership training events, Don has acquired a wealth of international, cross cultural ministry experience. As the world becomes more and more of a global village, Don’s greatest passion is to reach people for Jesus Christ and to bring them into the Church.
Joel Chernoff Show Page
Joel Chernoff
ED and Board Chairman of AIA | Gen. Secretary of Messianic Jewish Alliance of America - Founder and Board Chairman of The Joseph Project (TJP)
Joel Chernoff is General Secretary and CEO of Messianic Jewish Alliance of America. Founded in 1915, it is the largest institution representing the Messianic Jewish community worldwide ( He is also Founder and Executive Board Chairman of the Joseph Project International (, the humanitarian arm of the MJAA responsible for providing more than $170 million worth of humanitarian aid to Israel. The Joseph Project International is the largest importer of humanitarian aid in the state of Israel.
Chernoff is also Board Chairman of MJAA Ethiopian Relief (, caring for and advocating for the final exodus of the Ethiopian Jews to Israel. In 2024, the Ethiopian government recognized it as one of top three non-government organizations (NGOs) in the country.
Chernoff is the founder, composer, and lead singer for the music group, LAMB, which pioneered and popularized the genre of music known today as Messianic Praise and Worship and has recorded 12 albums that have sold hundreds of thousands of recordings with numerous songs on the Top 10 Contemporary Christian Music charts in the 1970s and 80s (
He and his wife, Myriam Levy Chernoff, live in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania.




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