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left_flag Thursday, October 24
Thursday, October 24, 2024

Welcome to Point of View hosted by Liberty McArtor! Her guest in the first hour is Brad East, and they’ll talk about Dr. East’s book, The Church, which released yesterday. In the second hour, Chelsey is joined by historian Richard Lim. Their discussion will be about what we can learn from past presidential elections.

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Liberty McArtor -Know Why- Show Page
Liberty McArtor
Freelance Writer

Liberty McArtor serves as the President of Know Why, Inc. and host of the Know Why Podcast. She also writes for Point of View Radio Talk Show and tutors students in English. Liberty earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Patrick Henry College in northern Virginia. In the past she has worked as a part-time talk radio producer for WMALRead More

Brad East Show Page
Brad East, PhD
Author | Editor | Associate Professor of Theology - College of Biblical Studies at Abilene Christian University
Brad East (PhD, Yale University) is associate professor of theology in the College of Biblical Studies at Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas. He is the editor of Robert Jenson’s The Triune Story: Collected Essays on Scripture (Oxford University Press, 2019) and the author of The Doctrine of Scripture (Cascade, 2021), The Church’s Book: Theology of Scripture in Ecclesial Context (Eerdmans, 2022), The Church: A Guide to the People of God (Lexham, 2024), and Letters to a Future Saint: Foundations of Faith for the Spiritually Hungry (Eerdmans, 2024). His articles have been published in Modern Theology, International Journal of Systematic Theology, Scottish Journal of Theology, Journal of Theological Interpretation, Anglican Theological Review, Pro Ecclesia, Political Theology, Religions, Restoration Quarterly, and The Other Journal; his essays and reviews have appeared in The Christian Century, Christianity Today, Comment, Commonweal, First Things, Front Porch Republic, The Hedgehog Review, Living Church, Los Angeles Review of Books, Marginalia Review of Books, Mere Orthodoxy, The New Atlantis, Plough, Sapientia, and The Point.
Book Cover - The Church
The Church: A Guide to the People of God
The Bible tells the story of God and his people. But it is not merely history. It is our story. Abraham is our father. And Israel's freedom from slavery is ours.

Brad East traces the story of God's people, from father Abraham to the coming of Christ. He shows how we need the scope of the entire Bible to fully grasp the mystery of the church. The church is not a building but a body. It is not peripheral or optional in the life of faith. Rather, it is the very beating heart of God's story, where our needs and hopes are found.
Richard Lim Show Page
Richard Lim
Writer | Speaker | Author | Blogger | Historian - This American President Podcast
Whether it's through his podcast, This American President, his appearances on the Stacy on the Right radio show, or writing for the Heritage Foundation's Daily Signal, Richard Lim loves talking about U.S. history and the lessons it offers for our nation's current issues. This passion also led him to serve at the White House and George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and to discuss history during his multiple appearances on the Global Voice Hall's Washington Weekly YouTube show. He has a master's degree from Syracuse University and a bachelor's degree from the University of California, San Diego.



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