Our first hour guest is Max McLean, founder and artistic director of New York City-based Fellowship for Performing Arts. McLean is also the producer and co-writer of play Martin Luther on Trial. He tells us more about the play.
In the second hour Kerby discusses stories in the news, he will take your comments and questions when you call us at 800-352-1212.

Today is single-payer day. Bernie Sanders is introducing the Medicare for All Act of 2017, and this time he’s no lone socialist crying in the progressive wilderness. A total of 15 Democratic senators are backing his bill, including most of the top Democratic contenders for the presidency. As the Washington Post’s Aaron Blake observed yesterday, “The dam is breaking.” The New Republic, among others, is even arguing that single-payer is becoming the newest “litmus test” for the party’s presidential hopefuls, and given the speed with which the far Left transforms fringe ideas into moral mandates, I’m not surprised.

His audience roars its approval.
When Hurricane Irma hit, so-called friends admonished me, "Look what your fossil fuels have done! Will you finally admit you are wrong?"
No. It's the alarmists who are wrong -- on so many levels.
First, two big storms don't mean much.