Our host today is Kerby Anderson. In the first hour, he welcomes a first time guest. Zachary Wagner joins Kerby to share his new book, Non-Toxic Masculinity. The second hour, Kerby will talk on the phone with long time friend of Point of View, Nancy Pearcey. They’ll talk about her new book, The Toxic War on Masculinity.

In Non-Toxic Masculinity, Zachary Wagner tells men, "If you are in Christ, this is your problem―and you should be part of the solution."
Reflecting on his own coming of age in the purity culture movement and ongoing recovery from sexual shame, Wagner confronts harmful teaching from the American church that has distorted desire, sex, relationships, and responsibility. For those―both men and women―who feel disillusioned and adrift, this book offers a renewed vision for Christian male sexuality founded in empathy and selflessness.

How did an ideology arise that condemns masculinity as dangerous and destructive?
Bestselling author Nancy Pearcey has a knack for tackling the tough issues of our day. A former agnostic, Pearcey was hailed in The Economist as "America's pre-eminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual." In this book, she takes readers on a fascinating romp through American history to discover how the secular script for masculinity turned toxic--and what action we can take to fix it.
The sociological facts explode anti-male stereotypes and show that classic Christianity has the power to overcome toxic behavior and reconcile the sexes. That's a finding that has stood up to rigorous empirical testing.
This book will equip thinkers and activists to challenge politically correct ideology and bring an evidence-based message of healing into the public square.