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left_flag Tuesday, April 11
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Our first guest today is author, Eric Barger. He tells us more about his book, Disarming the Powers of Darkness: Fearless Conquerors in Spiritual War.

Our second hour guest is David Bowden, author, preacher and spoken word poet. He discusses his book, When God Isn’t There: Why God Is Farther than You Think but Closer than You Dare Imagine.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Eric Barger
Author | Founder - Take a Stand Ministries
After spending two decades as a record producer, rock musician, drug addict, and practicing New Ager, Eric Barger (pronounced Bar-jer) is now widely recognized in the area of Christian Apologetics and Discernment Ministry. Through his best-selling books, video productions, and the Take A Stand! Seminars, he has sought to refute unscriptural ecumenism, universalism, the curious normalization of Mormonism, Islam, New Age philosophy, and other aberrant religious systems inside Christianity. He is an ordained minister with United Evangelical Churches, and serves as the co-host of Understanding The Times with Jan Markell currently airing on over 800 radio stations each week.
Disarming the Powers of Darkness: Fearless Conquerors in Spiritual War
Scripture is clear: the spiritual battlefield is real and the Enemy is determined. But most Christians are ill-equipped and unprepared when attacked, and even fewer are on the offensive. Still others write off spiritual warfare as irrelevant today, while on the other extreme some credit Satan for every imaginable problem in life. The purpose of this book is to provide biblical balance and clarity in order to establish a proper battle plan exposing the enemy for who he really is and showing Christians how to win this war with the spiritual weapons already at their disposal.

Disarming the Powers of Darkness answers critical battleground questions:
How can we tell what is of Satan and what is of our flesh?
How do we deal with spirits of fear and uncertainty?
Where exactly does spiritual warfare take place?
Does Satan know my thoughts and hear my prayers?
How can we be victorious in a culture that is increasingly dark?
David Bowden
Author | Speaker
David Bowden is an author, speaker and spoken word poet living in Oklahoma City with his wife Meagan. While earning a degree in Bible and Biblical Languages, David worked as a pulpit minister and, subsequently, a youth minister for a small local church in Oklahoma. After graduating, he co-founded an international non-profit that gave goats to impoverished families in the Philippines.

During his last few years in college, and throughout his time at the non-profit, David was traveling and speaking at different conferences, churches and events. After two years working with goats, he amicably left the non-profit to work full time as a speaker and performer. Since then, David has been extremely fortunate to be able to speak in front of hundreds of thousands of people and have his online videos viewed over four million times.

David has now authored his first theology book with Thomas Nelson Publishers entitled "When God Isn't There." He also spends his time creating videos to share with the Church, and partnering with conferences, events and churches to create Gospel-centered messages. David serves as the Artist in Residence at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City and is the co-founder of Kleer Series ( He is currently getting his MDIV at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. David and his wife attend Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City where they have led a community group for the last four years.
When God Isn't There: Why God Is Farther than You Think but Closer than You Dare Imagine
Why does God feel so far away? Why is my worship so empty? Has God left me?

David Bowden knows these questions firsthand, having wrestled for years with God’s apparent absence and studying what the Bible says about it. In this new book, Bowden tackles the subject head-on, finding the key to understanding it in the Bible’s depiction of a God who is infinitely far from us, free to move where he wants, but who chooses to come near in the person of Jesus.

A resource of encouragement for those who struggle with feeling God’s absence and a wake-up call to those who take God’s presence for granted, When God Isn’t There will forever change your understanding of why God sometimes seems to vanish and how he can be found again.




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