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left_flag Tuesday, April 23
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In addition to all the latest news, Kerby will talk to Jonathan Saenz about the happenings in state politics.  Kerby’s second guests are Stuart & Jill Briscoe. Kerby welcomes them in-studio. They will share their calling Telling the Truth Ministries. His other guest is Atul Tandon who will give us information on Opportunity International and their fight to allieviate poverty.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jonathan Saenz
Jonathan Saenz, Esq.
President - Texas Values
Jonathan M. Saenz, Esq., is the President of Texas Values, a nonprofit group dedicated to preserving and advancing a culture of family values in the state of Texas.

Prior to leading Texas Values, Jonathan headed the Liberty Institute offices at the Texas Capitol in Austin where he served as Director of Legislative Affairs and Attorney for Liberty Institute. Jonathan believes in religious liberty, sanctity of human life, family values, and constitutional rights, and has been involved in numerous court cases, including cases before the Texas Supreme Court and the United State Supreme Court. Jonathan has been featured in local, national and international media such as Fox News, CNN, USA Radio, Austin-American Statesman, Dallas Morning News, and Houston Chronicle among many others and is a sought after speaker for important events.

Mr. Saenz received his law degree from the University of Houston Law Center where he was honored as a Public Interest Law Fellow. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Jonathan is a native Texan (5th generation) who grew up in Houston, Texas and is a proud American. He and his family live in Buda and are members of Santa Cruz Catholic Church.
Stewart Briscoe Show Page
Stuart Briscoe
Pastor | Author | Speaker - Co-Founder of Telling the Truth
Stuart Briscoe was born in the north of England in 1930. After leaving school he embarked on a banking career, served in the Royal Marines during the Korean War, and at 17 years of age preached his first sermon. Since that time he has ministered on every continent, written more than 40 books, pastored a church for 35 years, and founded a media ministry called Telling the Truth which now broadcasts daily worldwide.

Stuart and Jill met each other in the context of youth ministry over 60 years ago in England when Stuart was a bank examiner and Jill was a school teacher. They married and based their life together on the biblical verse, “As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15.) Individually and together they have written over 140 books, pastored a church in the United States for thirty years, and founded a media ministry called Telling the Truth that broadcasts daily on air and online across the world. They have three children and thirteen grandchildren.
Stuart’s life verse is now Isaiah 26:3.
Jill Briscoe Show Page
Jill Briscoe
Pastor | Author | Speaker - Co-Founder of Telling the Truth
Jill Briscoe was born in Liverpool England in 1935. Educated at Cambridge. She taught school for a number of years before marrying Stuart and raising their three children. In addition to sharing with her husband in ministry with Torchbearers and in pastoring a church in the United States for 35 years, Jill has written more than 40 books, travelled on every continent teaching and encouraging. She has written numerous beautiful Christian poetry books. (and they sound beautiful in her British accent)

Stuart and Jill met each other in the context of youth ministry over 60 years ago in England when Stuart was a bank examiner and Jill was a school teacher. They married and based their life together on the biblical verse, “As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15.) Individually and together they have written over 140 books, pastored a church in the United States for thirty years, and founded a media ministry called Telling the Truth that broadcasts daily on air and online across the world. They have three children and thirteen grandchildren.
Jill’s life verse now is Ps 71:18
Atul Tandon Show Page
Atul Tandon
CEO - Opportunity International
Atul Tandon, an Indian American, comes to Opportunity with a background marked by building, scaling and turning around some of the world’s best-known for profit and nonprofit enterprises. Over a 35-year career, his work has impacted financial services and consumer banking, the social sector, nonprofit management and governance, the digital economy and marketing.

Prior to joining Opportunity International, Atul founded and served as CEO of the Tandon Institute, served as the leader of United Way Worldwide’s 41-country International Network, was Senior Vice President of Donor Engagement for World Vision United States and had a successful career in the global financial services industry.

Atul earned a master of business administration and a bachelor of commerce with honors from the University of Delhi. He holds a certificate in governance from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

He is a board member for several organizations, including the Christian Leadership Alliance, the largest association of faith-based organizations and churches in the U.S, and Mission Aviation Fellowship, the largest provider of rural and remote access air services to international NGOs. He has taught at both University of Washington's School of Business and University of San Francisco’s McLaren School of Business. In addition, he is recognized as a thought leader in the nonprofit industry, being frequently quoted and published in the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Huffington Post, Non-Profit Times and other leading media outlets.
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