We have a busy Tuesday, Kerby Anderson welcomes Sue Bailey & Lauri Mayberry. They’ll be talking about their organizations which are both supporting the National Day of Prayer. Journalist John Zmirak is in the exciting middle slot to talk about the latest from Washington and the nation. And we’ll conclude today with Exodus Mandate’s, Ray Moore.
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He has been Press Secretary to pro-life Louisiana Governor Mike Foster, and a reporter and editor at Success magazine and Investor’s Business Daily, among other publications. His essays, poems, and other works have appeared in First Things, The Weekly Standard, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, USA Today, FrontPage Magazine, The American Conservative, The South Carolina Review, Modern Age, The Intercollegiate Review, Commonweal, and The National Catholic Register, among other venues. He has contributed to American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia and The Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought. From 2000-2004 he served as Senior Editor of Faith & Family magazine and a reporter at The National Catholic Register. During 2012 he was editor of Crisis.

A South Carolina native, he is a graduate of The Citadel with a B.A. in political science and was graduated from Grace Theological Seminary cum laude with a M.Div. (Master of Divinity) in 1974 and with a Th.M. (Master of Theology) in 1979. He served nineteen years as an Army Reserve Chaplain, retiring as Lt. Colonel in 1999. He was awarded the Bronze Star for service in Gulf War I.
Ray has been married to the former Gail Laurens Pinckney of Charleston, South Carolina for 48 years. They have four children and seven grandchildren. He and Gail were selected as S.C. Parents of the Year for 2000. Ray and Gail have had a long-term involvement in private Christian education or home schooling.
Currently, Ray serves as President of Frontline Ministries, Inc., which focuses on prayer, revival and Christian education. He is the Director of the Exodus Mandate Project (see www.exodusmandate.org). He is author of Let My Children Go and co-authored with his wife, Gail, The Promise of Jonadab: Building a Christian Family Legacy in a Time of Cultural Decline. He is the Executive Producer of the 2011 film, IndoctriNation (Gunn Films). He is script writer and Executive Producer of the July 2015 released film, Escaping Common Core: Setting Our Children Free” (Cutting Edge Films).

Sue is also a committed volunteer fundraiser in her community and has served on numerous nonprofit boards. Prior to joining The Hope Center team, Sue was Director of Program Development for Just Say YES, Youth Equipped to Succeed helping at risk teens. She also spent 12 years as Director of Development at Trinity Christian Academy where she completed three capital campaigns and raised funds for scholarship aid.
She and her husband, Dan, have two grown children and three grandchildren, and have been active members and lay leaders at Northwest Bible Church since graduating from college.