Our first guest is Jimmy Meeks police officer and minister. He tells us more about a bill currently before the Texas Legislature: HOUSE BILL 421. As of now churches are under the Occupations Code. As a result they have to follow certain restrictions to protect their people – and they cannot formed an armed team.
If HB 421 passes, churches are free to choose whatever path they want and no longer be under the restrictions of the Occupations Code.
In the second hour we hear from Chaplain, Colonel Robert Hicks, he discusses his book, Few Call it War: Religious Terrorism: Then and Now.

Briarwood church administrator Matt Moore told me the 4,000-member church needs a qualified first responder “to cooperate and coordinate directly with the appropriate law enforcement agency in an emergency situation.” With church and school buildings located in unincorporated Jefferson County, the city of Vestavia Hills, and unincorporated Shelby County, Moore said coordination of efforts in the event of an emergency is complicated.
Briarwood member Hannah Singer has a different view: “I get being safe, [but] this is excessive.” Briarwood’s police officers would be full-time employees of the church, and Singer wants more discussion of “all angles of having a private police,” both “positive and negative.” She wonders how the church would handle an allegation of sexual abuse.