Today’s show is hosted by Kerby Anderson. He has two great guests today! For his first guest, Kerby welcomes back Doug Cobb. Doug will share information about his new book: And Then The End Will Come. Kerby’s other guest is Len Munsil. Dr. Munsil will talk about Arizona Christian University and the Cultural Research Center.
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Doug and his wife Gena are members of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, where he teaches the Word by Word Sunday School class and serves as an elder. Gena is a Bible Study Fellowship teaching leader. Over the years, Doug has volunteered and served on the national boards of a number of Christian ministries, including Finishing the Task, The Issachar Initiative, and World Harvest Mission.
Doug is a life-long entrepreneur. In the past he’s served as CEO of Appriss, Greater Louisville Inc., and The Cobb Group; as a Managing Director with Chrysalis Ventures; and as a director for a variety of companies. He is a three-time Inc. 500 CEO and a three-time Kentucky Entrepreneur of the Year.
Doug holds a B.A. from Williams College, magna cum laude, and an M.S. in Accounting from the New York University Graduate School of Business Administration.
Doug and Gena have been married for 40 years and have three grown children and two grandsons.
the approaching 2000-year anniversary of the resurrection,
the regathering of Israel,
and the prophecies of Daniel 12.
He makes the case that the return of Christ is at hand -- perhaps in the next year or two, perhaps a little later, but assuredly very soon. And he offers practical instruction about what it means to "live holy and godly lives" as we look for the coming of our Lord and King.
If you're discouraged about the craziness you see in the world today, And Then the End Will Come will offer you hope for better things soon to come -- things so great that the Bible says no one can imagine how awesome they will be.

In 2006, Munsil won the Republican nomination for Governor of Arizona but lost to the incumbent Governor. In 2016 he was a delegate and platform committee member at the Republican National Convention. He was the founding president of Center for Arizona Policy and over 10 years built it into the nation’s largest and most influential state-based pro-family and pro-life organization. He is an expert in constitutional law and the First Amendment.
President Munsil holds a Juris Doctor from Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, and a Bachelor’s Degree from the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Telecommunication. Len and his wife Tracy have eight adult children and ten grandchildren.

Arizona Christian University provides a biblically-integrated, liberal arts education equipping graduates to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of life, as leaders of influence and excellence.
Our Vision
Arizona Christian University exists to educate and equip followers of Christ to transform culture with the truth.