Today Kerby Anderson is Point of View‘s host. His first guest is Kaitlyn Schiess. Kaitlyn brings us her new book, The Ballot and the Bible, a very timely book. In the second hour, Kerby welcomes author and pastor Max Lucado. Max joins Kerby in our studio to share his newest book, “What Happens Next: A Traveler’s Guide Through The End of This Age,” releasing TODAY.
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In The Ballot and the Bible, Kaitlyn Schiess explores these questions and more. She unpacks examples of how Americans have connected the Bible to politics in the past, highlighting times it was applied well and times it was egregiously misused.

Since his first book On the Anvil was published in 1985, Max Lucado has been sharing the promises of God in sermons, books, articles and media interviews. Max Lucado has been dubbed “America’s Pastor,” “The Best Preacher in America,” or “one of the most influential leaders in social media”. Max has been featured on countless media.
In honor of his four decades of pastoring and publishing, Abilene Christian University has become home to the Max Lucado Collection. A curated collection of Max’s work is archived and displayed at ACU’s Brown Library.
Max and his wife Denalyn live in San Antonio, Texas, and have three grown daughters, two sons-in-law, and two grandchildren.

+ We were made to reign with Christ.
+ God has made and will keep his promises.
+ Heaven has a time line.
+ A golden era-the millennium-awaits God's children.
Plus, Max takes you on a journey of the time line of history, examining essential milestones such as the rapture, the seven years of tribulation, and the glory of heaven.
Whether you find yourself in the "I can't wait," "I'm almost ready," or "I'm not sure about all of this" camp, you will be encouraged to ponder God's promises for the future.
In Max's signature encouraging style, he reminds us, "It's all about hope. It's all about him."