On today’s show host Kerby Anderson welcomes Dave Arnott. David joins him in the studio to share his new book, Biblical Economic Policy. Kerby’s next guest is Robert Knight. They’ll discuss Robert’s latest article, the Liberal Media’s Twilight Zone. In the final thirty minutes, he’ll share the news and the world trends from today’s headlines.
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As “The Christian Economist” he has delivered nearly 100 podcasts, exploring the intersection of Christianity and Economics. His latest book is Biblical Economic Policy.
His work asks the question, “How does a first-century book inform a 21-century economy?”
He is an accomplished keynote speaker who has visited over 55 nations and led business study visits to many of those countries. He is as entertaining and winsome in the classroom as he is with a group of executives. He has led more than 200 days of management seminars.
“The Professor and Ginger” live on a small farm near Dallas where they race their seven grandchildren around the pasture in go-karts.
Authors Dave Arnott and Sergiy Saydometov hold up the mirror of the Bible and ask their fellow Christians, “Is this the way we're supposed to run a biblical economy?”
Biblical Economic Policy takes the macroeconomic view and analyzes how well America's economic policies align with biblical principles.

Robert was a journalist for 15 years, including seven at the Los Angeles Times. He has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Political Science from American University.