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left_flag Tuesday, August 31
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
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Happy Tuesday! Point of View has a great show for you today!

Host Kerby Anderson brings us the latest from Afghanistan and stories of those left stranded, and he shares statistics on COVID-19. His first guest is Michael Knowles. Michael shares his new book, “Speechless.” They’ll discuss the book and the current goings-on in Washington. Kerby’s other guest is Jarod O’Flaherty. The director and producer of the TV series Vindication, he and Kerby will discuss Vindication’s upcoming Season Two.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show
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Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Michael Knowles Show Page
Michael Knowles
Host of The Michael Knowles Show at the Daily Wire - The Book Club at PragerU
Michael Knowles hosts The Michael Knowles Show at the Daily Wire and The Book Club at PragerU. He also co-hosts Verdict with Ted Cruz.  In 2017, he wrote the #1 national bestselling treatise Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide, which President Donald Trump hailed as “a great book for your reading enjoyment.” 

Michael's writing has been featured on the Daily Wire, the American Mind, Fox News, and the Daily Caller. Michael is a graduate of Yale University and has lectured on college campuses around the country.
Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds
A New Strategy: We Win, They Lose

The Culture War is over, and the culture lost.

The Left’s assault on liberty, virtue, decency, the Republic of the Founders, and Western civilization has succeeded.

You can no longer keep your social media account—or your job—and acknowledge truths such as: Washington, Jefferson, and Columbus were great men. Schools and libraries should not coach children in sexual deviance. Men don’t have uteruses.

How did we get to this point?

Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire exposes and diagnosis the losing strategy we have fallen for and shows how we can change course—and start winning.
The Michael Knowles Show
Michael Knowles Show
Michael goes beyond the headline, analyzing the top cultural and political issues of the day with an extra dose of Covfefe.
Jarod O'Flaherty Show Page
Jarod O'Flaherty
Director | Producer - Vindication Series
A native of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Jarod O'Flaherty is the award-winning filmmaker behind the crime-drama series 'Vindication' which released Season One in 2019 on Amazon Prime and Season Two in 2021 on Pure Flix. His previous works include the feature film 'My Son', the World War 2 documentary, 'We Were There', and a handful of shorts and music videos.
Vindication Season 2 poster
Vindication – TV series
Vindication is an episodic faith-based crime-drama series that follows the small-town investigative work of Detective Travis.
Afghanistan-Miltary C-17 Leaving Afghanistan
Troops Leaving Afghanistan
The U.S. military completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan on Monday, the Pentagon announced.
soldiers save a baby over concertina wire
Who Will Trust Us After Afghanistan?
Fifty years from now, Americans will stare in sad disbelief at the photo of an American Marine plucking a baby to safety over barbed wire at Kabul airport. What a shameful, wretched way to quit ...
some people wear masks - NYC New York
No Reason to COVID-19
By: Charles C. W. Cooke - - August 30, 2021 Two presidents. Fifty states. One-hundred-and-ninety-five countries. A multitude of different approaches. And still, there’s no rhyme or reason to this pandemic. Vaccines help a great ...



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