Today Kerby Anderson is Point of View‘s host. He brings us biblical truth on issues facing this nation. His guests are Rabbi Abraham Cooper and Johnnie Moore. They will be discussing anti-Semitism and their new book, “The Next Jihad.”
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In 1977 Rabbi Cooper came to Los Angeles to help Rabbi Marvin Hier found the Simon Wiesenthal Center, giving him the remarkable privilege to know and work with Simon Wiesenthal, of blessed memory, for nearly thirty years. Rabbi Cooper has testified before the United Nations (where the Center is an official NGO) in New York and Geneva, presented testimony before the US Senate, the Japanese Diet, the French Parliament, and the OSCE. He is also a founding member of Israel’s Global Forum on Antisemitism.
Rabbi Cooper has his BA and MS from Yeshiva University and a PhD from the Jewish University of America. He is a recipient of Yeshiva University’s Bernard Revel Community Service Leadership Memorial Award and the Orthodox Union’s National Leadership Award. The Newsweek Daily Beast Company has listed Rabbi Cooper, together with Rabbi Hier, as number eight among the “50 Most Influential Rabbis in the United States.”

Moore has been named one of America’s twenty-five most influential evangelicals, and he is the youngest recipient of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s prestigious Medal of Valor for his extensive work on behalf of threatened Christians in the Middle East, an honor he shared on the same evening (posthumously) with the late Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres.
Moore serves as a presidential appointee to the United States Commission for International Religious Freedom and sits on many boards, including those of World Help and the National Association of Evangelicals. He also serves on the Anti-Defamation League’s Middle East Task Force and is on the advisory board of the ADL-Aspen Institute’s Civil Society Fellowship. He is a Fellow at the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling at Concordia University Irvine. His undergraduate and graduate studies were in religion at Liberty University.