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left_flag Tuesday, December 17
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In addition to all the latest news, Kerby will talk to our first guest Jacob Shatzer. Jacob brings us his latest book, “Transhumanism and the Image of God.” Point of View’s other guest is Dr. Albert L. Reyes from Buckner International. Dr. Reyes also has a great new book, “Hope Now.”

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jacob Shatzer Show Page
Jacob Shatzer
Assistant Professor & Associate Dean - STM at Union University
Jacob Shatzer (PhD, Marquette University) is assistant professor and associate dean in the School of Theology and Missions (STM) at Union University. He is an ordained Southern Baptist minister and the author of A Spreading and Abiding Hope, editor of a volume of essays by A. J. Conyers, and assistant editor for Ethics & Medicine.
Shatzer has published in the fields of theology and ethics, and is an expert in the thought of the late Southern Baptist theologian A. J. Conyers. He has contributed scholarly essays to The New Bioethics, Pro Ecclesia, and The Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture. He is also project director and consultant for BibleMesh, a trusted source for online theological education. He is an active member of the Evangelical Theological Society, where he serves on the steering committee for the study group “Voices in American Theology and Culture: Wendell Berry.”
Transhumanism and the Image of God: Today's Technology and the Future of Christian Discipleship
We're constantly invited to think about the future of technology as a progressive improvement of tools: our gadgets will continue to evolve, but we humans will stay basically the same. In the future, perhaps even alien species and intelligent robots will coexist alongside humans, who will grapple with challenges and emerge as the heroes.

Exploring topics such as artificial intelligence, robotics, medical technology, and communications tools, he examines how everyday technological changes have already altered and continue to change the way we think, relate, and understand reality. By unpacking the doctrine of the incarnation and its implications for human identity, he helps us better understand the proper place of technology in the life of the disciple and avoid false promises of a posthumanist vision. We cannot think about technology use today without considering who we will become tomorrow.
Albert L. Reyes Show Page
Dr. Albert L. Reyes
President & CEO - Buckner International
Dr. Albert L. Reyes is the sixth President and CEO of Buckner International, a faith-based nonprofit ministry dedicated to transforming the lives of orphans, vulnerable children, families and senior adults in the United States and internationally. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) and the National Hispanic Leadership Conference (NHCLC).

Dr. Reyes previously served as president of Buckner Children and Family Services. Prior to his tenure at Buckner, Dr. Reyes was president of Baptist University of the Ameìricas in San Antonio. He also has served as pastor of three churches and as a manager for Sprint’s National Customer Service Call Center. Dr. Reyes and his wife, Belinda, have three children. They are members of Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas.
Hope Now: Peace, Healing, and Justice When the Kingdom Comes Near
s there a wall between meeting the practical needs of people and meeting their spiritual needs? Can you only meet one or the other? In Hope Now, Dr. Albert L. Reyes tears down any existing walls that separate the joint biblical calling to meet both the spiritual and practical needs of people. Learn how these needs are two sides of the same coin and how both are not only doable but must be done.

Based on years of pastoral experience and service, Dr. Reyes knows firsthand how the spiritual and practical needs of people are connected. As sixth president and CEO of Buckner International since it’s founding as an orphan home to post-civil war children in Texas, Reyes leads Buckner International, a ministry that has been dedicated to transforming the lives of orphans, vulnerable children, families, and senior adults for more than one hundred years.
Scott Walker speaking
Scott Walker Effect
By: Dan O'Donnell - - December 16, 2019 A funny thing happened on the way to President Trump’s impeachment.  Somewhere along the way, House Democrats lost the support of the American people. When they announced Articles of ...



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