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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Today on Point of View, Kerby chats with president of Crossroads Bible College, Dr. Charles Ware. Crossroads Bible College is a biblically conservative evangelical institution dedicated to training Christian leaders to a reach multiethnic urban world for Christ. Dr. Ware tells us about his book One Race, One Blood.

In the second hour Dr. Pete Deison, pastor, teacher, and president of Park Cities Presbyterian Church Foundation joins us in-studio to tell us more about his book, Visits from Heaven: One Man’s Eye-Opening Encounter with Death, Grief, and Comfort from the Other Side.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Dr. Charles Ware
President - Crossroads Bible College
Dr. Ware is president of Crossroads Bible College, a biblically conservative evangelical institution dedicated to training Christian leaders to a reach multiethnic urban world for Christ. Crossroads Bible College is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education and recognized by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Dr. Ware speaks in many venues and serves as a consultant on racial reconciliation and leadership. His ministry is well received by audiences of all ethnic groups.

Dr. Ware has authored, co-authored, and edited several books. Among these is One Race One Blood (previously published under the title Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots (Master Books, 2007). Dr. Ware co-authored this book with Answers in Genesis founder and President Ken Ham,

Dr. Ware serves on several boards including; The Association of Baptist for World Evangelism (ABWE), The Association for Biblical higher Education (ABHE), AnchorsAway and the board of counsel for The Biblical Counseling Coalition.

Dr. Ware and Sharon celebrated 42 years of marriage in 2015. They have six children, two daughter-in-laws, one son-in-law and three grandchildren.
One Race One Blood
It is a rarely discussed fact of history that the premise of Darwinian evolution has been deeply rooted in the worst racist ideology since its inception. Read a thorough account of the effects of evolution on the history of the United States and discrimination based on ethnicity, including slavery and the Civil rights movement. One Race One Blood goes one step farther to show the global harvest of death and tragedy that still finds its roots in Darwin's destructive writings.

The tragic legacy of Darwin’s controversial speculations on evolution has led to terrible consequences taken to the deadliest extremes. One Race One Blood reveals the origins of these horrors, as well as the proof revealed in Scripture that God created only one race.

You will discover:

Nazi Germany used evolutionary concepts to justify the extermination of "unfit" people groups such as Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs
The origins of people groups, the genetics of skin color, and what the Bible says about "interracial" marriage
Eye-opening discussion on racism and its roots in the hearts and minds of millions still today.

Within these compelling pages, Dr. A. Charles Ware, president of Crossroads Bible College, and Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis examine the historical roots of racism that have permeated evolutionary thought, and the Bible's response to this disturbing issue. This is a crucial and timely study that profoundly addresses the Christian worldview regarding "race" from a compassionate and uniquely compelling perspective.
Dr. Pete Deison
Pastor, Teacher, President - Park Cities Presbyterian Church Foundation
Dr. Pete Deison is a pastor, teacher, and president of Park Cities Presbyterian Church Foundation. He has served as a pastor in the Presbyterian Church of America since 1978 and was on the National Team directing the campus ministry of CRU. He now serves as associate pastor of Park Cities Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas where he has directed the men's ministry, workplace ministries, evangelism, and officer training, and where he currently teaches a large adult Sunday School class. He is a featured speaker at the Kanakuk Institute and the author of The Priority of Knowing God. Pete has two married daughters, eight awesome grandchildren, is an avid fisherman, and loves to travel.
Visits from Heaven: One Man's Eye-Opening Encounter with Death, Grief, and Comfort from the Other Side
A tragic suicide may have ended the earthly life of Harriet Deison, but it didn’t end the love story she shared with her husband, Pete. Their connection continued through Pete’s vivid dreams of Harriet sent from her new home in heaven.

Pete and Harriet Deison were enjoying a full life of being parents, grandparents, and partners in ministry when deep depression spiraled Harriet into a darkness that caused her to take her own life. Suddenly thrust into unimaginable grief, Pete, a Presbyterian minister, turned to his roots as a student and educator in an attempt to make sense of it all.

Visits from Heaven is the love story of a man and his wife of forty-three years, which quietly becomes the story of God’s love for his children. The narrative of strange coincidences, amazing answers to prayer, and dozens of dreams and visions by Pete and others affirms that there is a continued existence of loved ones that can be experienced here on earth.

Is heaven a place where real life continues, or is it all clouds, pearly gates, and long church services? Visits from Heaven answers those questions, giving readers a clearer picture of what life is like for a believer after he or she leaves earth. It’s also a wake-up call for those who secretly think heaven is a dry and boring place.

Deeply grounded in the Scriptures and in the classic works of writers such as C.S. Lewis, Sheldon Vanauken, John Claypool, Randy Alcorn, and N.T. Wright, Deison shares biblical truths about the reality of our continued existence and the nature of our heavenly home. Visits from Heaven gently leads grieving people on an effective and insightful journey through the grief and recovery process.
Use Electoral College Properly
Maine Democratic elector David Bright announced Monday morning that he would vote for Senator Bernie Sanders in the Electoral College. He told the Portland Press-Herald that his vote would send a meaningful message to the ...




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